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S_ID_CRS_X (ver 14.3.0)

This is an extension of the Courses table.

Column Name


Data Type


CoursesDCID14.3.0Number(10,0)Primary Key
AmtCredit14.8.2Number(25,10)Cost in dollars of Credits for course.
AP15.7.0Varchar2(5)Advanced Placement flag (Y/N). Migrated from [Courses.ID_AP].
ClassLevel15.7.0Varchar2(5)Class Level (1 char code). Migrated from [Courses.ID_ClassLevel].
CollegeCredits15.7.0Number(11,0)Potential credits from college. Migrated from [Courses.ID_CollegeCredits].
CollegeID14.8.2Varchar2(4)Code for the college that offered the credit for the course. Migrated from [Courses.ID_CollegeID].
CourseCode15.7.0Varchar2(12)State Course Code. Migrated from [Courses.ID_CourseCode].
CourseStandards15.7.0Varchar2(5)Type of standards used (1 char code). Migrated from [Courses.ID_CourseStandards].
CourseType15.7.0Varchar2(5)ISEE Course Type  (1 char code). Migrated from [Courses.ID_CourseType].
Default_ExitReason14.3.0Varchar2(2)Default (Override) Exit Reason when one not recorded in cc for Elem/MS enrollments.
DualCredit15.7.0Varchar2(5)Dual Credit flag (Y/N). Migrated from [Courses.ID_DualCredit].
Eightin6CourseCost15.7.0Number(11,0)Course cost $. Migrated from [Courses.ID_8in6CourseCost].
ExamCourse14.8.2Varchar2(1)Y/N/X indicating this course uses Certification Examinations.
IB15.7.0Varchar2(5)International Baccalaureate flag (Y/N). Migrated from [Courses.ID_IB].
InstructionalSetting15.7.0Varchar2(5)Instructional Setting (2 char code). Migrated from [Courses.ID_InstructionalSetting].
ISAT_Type15.7.0Varchar2(5)ISAT Course Type (2 char code). Migrated from [Courses.ID_ISAT_Type].
MinsWeek 15.4.0 Number(11,0)Course level minutes per week override. 
PTE15.7.0Varchar2(5)Professional Technical Education Status (1/null). Migrated from [Courses.WI_PTE].
State_ExcludeFromReporting15.7.0Varchar2(5)Exclude from state reporting indicator (1/null). Migrated from [Courses.State_ExcludeFromReporting].

Tech Prep indicator (Y/N). Migrated from [Courses.ID_TechPrep].

CreditRecovery17.9.0varchar2(5)Credit Recovery indicator (Y/N).
GradeLevel18.11.0varchar2(2)Content Grade Level field at the Course level




Indicates whether the course is excluded from FTE



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