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S_ID_CC_X (ver 15.7.0)

This is an extension of the CC table.

Column Name


Data Type


ccDCID15.7.0Number(10,0)Primary Key
Amtcredit15.7.0Number(11,0)Amount $ per college credit (override). Migrated from [CC.ID_AmtCredit].
AP15.7.0Varchar2(5)No longer used, as of 12-13 (Y/N). Migrated from [CC.ID_AP].
ApExam15.7.0Varchar2(5)No longer used, as of 12-13 (Y/N). Migrated from [CC.ID_ApExam].
ApExamPass15.7.0Varchar2(5)No longer used, as of 12-13 (Y/N). Migrated from [CC.ID_ApExamPass].
Ccissued15.7.0Varchar2(5)College Credit Issued (Y/N). Migrated from [CC.ID_CCIssued].
CollegeID15.7.0Varchar2(8)No longer used, as of 12-13. Migrated from [CC.ID_CollegeID].
CourseExitReason15.7.0Varchar2(5)Course exit reason (2 char code). Migrated from [CC.ID_CourseExitReason].
DualCredit15.7.0Varchar2(5)No longer used, as of 12-13 (Y/N). Migrated from [CC.ID_DualCredit].
ErlyComp15.7.0Varchar2(5)No longer used, as of 12-13 (Y/N). Migrated from [CC.ID_ErlyComp].
IB15.7.0Varchar2(5)No longer used, as of 12-13 (Y/N). Migrated from [CC.ID_IB].
TechPrep15.7.0Varchar2(5)No longer used, as of 12-13 (Y/N). Migrated from [CC.ID_TechPrep].
creditRecovery17.9.0varchar2(5)Credit Recovery (Y/N).

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