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Health Immunization: Rules

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The following Health Immunization rules are evaluated by the PowerSchool Health rules engine to comply with the state's guidelines. The vaccination rules vary depending upon when the student first entered an Idaho school.

  • A month is calculated as four weeks with seven days each (4*7 = 28 days)
  • A four-day grace period is considered with each minimum age and time interval
    • For example, if the time interval between two doses is four weeks or one month, the actual interval is 24 days: [28 days (one month) with 4-day grace period = 24 days)]

Compliance Rules


DoseMinimum Age for Dose

Minimum Interval for Next Dose

DTaP Dose 1

6 Weeks

4 Weeks

DTaP Dose 2

10 Weeks

4 Weeks

DTaP Dose 3

14 Weeks

6 Months

DTaP Dose 4

15 Months

6 Months

DTaP Dose 5*

4 Years


If the fourth DTap dose is administered on or after the fourth birthday, then the fifth dose is not required.


DoseMinimum Age for Dose

Minimum Interval for Next Dose

Polio Dose 1

6 Weeks

4 Weeks

Polio Dose 2

10 Weeks

4 Weeks

Polio Dose 3

14 Weeks

6 Months

Polio Dose 4*

4 Years


If the third Polio dose is administered on or after the fourth birthday, then the fourth dose is not required.

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)

DoseMinimum Age for Dose

Minimum Interval for Next Dose

MMR Dose 1

12 Months

4 Weeks

MMR Dose 2

13 Months


Hepatitis A

DoseMinimum Age for Dose

Minimum Interval for Next Dose

Hep A Dose 1

12 Months

6 Months

Hep A Dose 2

18 Months


Hepatitis B

DoseMinimum Age for Dose

Minimum Interval to Next Dose

Hep B Dose 1


4 Weeks

Hep B Dose 2

4 Weeks

8 Weeks

Hep B Dose 3

24 Weeks


Varicella (Chickenpox)

DoseMinimum Age for Dose

Minimum Interval to Next Dose

Varicella Dose 1

12 Months

12 Weeks

Varicella Dose 2

15 Months


Grade Specific Rules

The mandatory immunization requirement for students' school entry.

Pre-Kindergarten (Grade < 0)

VaccineRequired Dose


4 Doses


1 Dose


3 Doses

Hep B

3 Doses


1 Dose

Hep A

2 Doses

7th Grade

VaccineRequired Dose


1 Dose


1 Dose

12th Grade

VaccineRequired Dose


2 Doses

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