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CRDC Special Program Count Information

Throughout the CRDC report, aggregated counts will be reported for students in various special programs. The table below lists the programs that will be reported and the logic used by the CRDC report.

CRDC Program

PowerSchool Program/Report Logic


  • Special Program Name must start with: "SPE – "
  • Student must have a program enrollment into the "SPE – " program.
  • Special Program must be active during the reporting period. [SpEnrollment]Enter_Date & [SpEnrollments]Exit_Date
  • Student must be eligible for Special Education.
  • [S_ID_SEN_X]SpedEligible = E
  • Student cannot be flagged as Tested & Ineligible
  • [S_ID_SEN_X]Tested_Ineligible must be blank

Section 504

  • Special Program Name must start with: "504 – "
  • Student must have a program enrollment into the "504 – " program.
  • Special Program must be active during the reporting period. [SpEnrollment]Enter_Date & [SpEnrollments]Exit_Date


  • Special Program Name must start with: "GAT – "
  • Student must have a program enrollment into the "GAT – " program.
  • Special Program must be active during the reporting period. [SpEnrollment]Enter_Date & [SpEnrollments]Exit_Date

English Learner (EL)

  • Special Program Name must have the following strings in them: "EL - " or "LEP - "
  • Student must have a program enrollment into the "EL – " or "LEP - " program.
  • Special Program must be active during the reporting period. [SpEnrollment]Enter_Date & [SpEnrollments]Exit_Date
  • Student must have an EL/LEP Status of L1 or LE
  • [S_ID_SEN_X]LEPStatus = L1 or LE

Credit Recovery Program*

This is a CRDC specific program

  • Special Program Name must start with: "CRP – "
  • Student must have a program enrollment into the "CRP – " program.
  • Special Program must be active during the reporting period. [SpEnrollment]Enter_Date & [SpEnrollments]Exit_Date
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