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CRDC:S_ID_SCH_CRDC_X (ver 16.10.0)

This is an extension of the Schools CRDC table.

Column Name


Data Type


SchoolsDCID16.10.0Number(10,0)Primary Key
TeacherSalary16.10.1Number(25,10)Teacher Salary.
TeacherFTE16.10.1Number(25,10)Teacher FTE.
InstAidesFTE16.10.1Number(25,10)Instructional Aides FTE. 
InstAidesSalary16.10.1Number(25,10)Instructional Aides Salary.
SupportStaffFTE16.10.1Number(25,10)Support Services Staff FTE.
SupportStaffSalary16.10.1Number(25,10)Support Services Staff Salary
AdminFTE16.10.1Number(25,10)School Administration Staff FTE.
AdminSalary16.10.1Number(25,10)School Administration Staff Salary.
TotalPersonnel16.10.1 Number(25,10)Total Personnel (instructional, support services, and school administration).
Non_PersonnelExp16.10.1Number(25,10)Amount of Non-Personnel Expenditures Associated with Activities Funded with State and Local Funds.
TeacherSalaryAll16.10.1Number(25,10)Salary Amount for Teachers Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds.
InstAidesFTEAll16.10.1Number(25,10)Instructional Aides - Full-time Equivalency counts for Staff Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds.
InstAidesSalaryAll16.10.1Number(25,10) Instructional Aides - Salary Amounts for Staff Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds.
SupportStaffFTEAll16.10.1Number(25,10)Support Services Staff (for Pupils and for Instructional Staff) FTE.
SupportStaffSalaryAll16.10.1Number(25,10) Support Services Staff (for Pupils and for Instructional Staff) Salary.
AdminFTEAll16.10.1Number(25,10)School Administration Staff FTE all.
AdminSalaryAll16.10.1Number(25,10)School Administration Staff Salary all.
TotalPersonnelAll16.10.1Number(25,10)Salary Amount for Total Personnel Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds.
Non_PersonnelExpAll16.10.1Number(25,10)Amount of Non-Personnel Expenditures Associated with Activities Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds.
JusticeFacilityHrs16.10.1Number(25,10)Indicate the hours per week that the educational program is offered during the regular school year.




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