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CRDC Race/Ethnicity Count Information

The table below outlines the Ethnicity/Race logic used in the CRDC report:

CRDC Category

PowerSchool Ethnicity/Race

Hispanic or Latino of any race

Is this student Hispanic or Latino – Yes

[Students]FedEthnicity = 1

American Indian or Alaskan Native

01 American Indian or Alaskan Native checked

[StudentRace]RaceCD = 01


02 Asian

[StudentRace]RaceCD = 02

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

03 Black or African American

[StudentRace]RaceCD = 03

Black or African American

04 Native Hawaiian / Other Pac Islander

[StudentRace]RaceCD = 04


05 White

[StudentRace]RaceCD = 05

Two or more races

Two or more of the above checked

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