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Course Exam Certification Results

Student course examination certification results are entered for ISEE reporting in the Student Course Enrollment extract. Complete this data entry when the student takes the certification exam for a given course. Exam results can also be entered on the the student's All Enrollments page, or through PowerTeacher.

The following setup must be completed before data entry can be done:

  1. Sign in to the District Office.
  2. Navigate to District Setup > District Info > Setup course certification exams and set up all certification exams for courses that a district offers.
  3. Associate the certification exams that with the necessary courses.

Once setup is complete, Certification Exam results can be entered by selecting the teacher, then the section, and then entering a new course exam certification result record.

Field Description



Certification Examination ID


The ID of the exam taken by the the student.

Certification Examination Date


The date the exam was taken.

Note: The report will use this date, and the report start and end dates, to determine which result records to extract.

Certification Examination Result


The result of the course certification examination.

Note: If a result record already exists for a specific certification exam, and a new one is entered, the "Retaken" result options are the only options that display.

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