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Attendance Setup

AtSetting up Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE)

  • Define FTEs for the attendance type. In this example, two FTEs, Dual and Pre-12 are set up with the same type of attendance, Meeting Time-to-Day. The first FTE is used for Dual Enrolled students and second for Non-Dual Enrolled (non-DR):

  • You can define the Default Attendance Mode, Default Attendance Conversion, and choose the grades (if any) that default to the FTE in the Edit page. In this image, the selections for Pre-12 FTE are displayed:

Note: It is encouraged that Idaho districts use Meeting, Time-to-Day for attendance.

Setting up Attendance Conversions

  • Regular students must be present for 150 minutes to get .5 attendance and 240 minutes to get a 1 for the day to comply with the ISEE defined thresholds. In this image is an example of a Time-to-Day attendance conversion for regular students as per the ISEE requirements:

  • Dual Enrolled and Alternative students must be present for 120 minutes to get .5 attendance and 240 to get a 1 for the day to comply with the ISEE defined thresholds. In this image, the Time-to-Day attendance conversion is set as per the ISEE requirements:

Attendance for Dual Enrolled and Alternative students is reported to ISEE in hours and not in the values of .5 and 1.

Bell Schedules

  • A school may have multiple bell schedules. However, only one schedule can be used on any given day in the school calendar. In this image, there are three bell schedules.

  • Each bell schedule can be set to use a different attendance conversion or use the same attendance conversion. Bell schedules that indicate a shortened school day should have their own attendance conversion:

  • Periods can be assigned to a bell schedule in any order and each period can be assigned a different duration. For this one reason, Meeting and Period-to-Day attendance can be a challenge for ISEE reporting:

Attendance Codes and Attendance Categories

Attendance Codes and Attendance Category setup for Idaho is as per the documentation in

Idaho customers often setup attendance codes with no attendance category assigned. In this case, the logic in the Daily Attendance Report logic for absence reason treats these codes as unexcused if it is an absent code.

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