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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


2023-24 Iowa DOE Data Collection Updates

Two new data elements are now available to support the 2023-24 state reporting changes announced by the Iowa DOE. Updates to the Iowa SMP for SIF reporting will follow in a subsequent release.

  • New Field in Courses: C0160 Embedded Work-Based Learning

    • This field is added to the Iowa extension table of courses: S_IA_CRS_X.Embedded_WBL

    • On the Courses page, C0160 Embedded Work-Based Learning displays directly below C0150 - Credit Recovery Course.

    • Description: Indicates the predominant Embedded Work-Based Learning experience for the course.

    • If applicable, the district should select a single value from the dropdown list. A default of 99 Not Applicable will be reported via SIF if no code is specified.

      • 99 - Not Applicable

      • 1 - Speakers

      • 2 - Informational Interview

      • 3- Career Immersion Experience

      • 4 - Authentic Projects

      • 5 - Career-Based Service Learning

      • 6 - Interactive Career Event

      • 7 - Worksite Exploratory Event

      • 8 - Job Shadow

      • 9 - Professional Skills Workshops

      • 10 - Mock Interviews

New Field in Students and Re-Enrollments: D0100 ESA Funded

  • These new enrollment elements are added as Boolean fields to the Iowa extension tables of Students and ReEnrollments: S_IA_STU_X.ESA_Funded and S_IA_REN_X.ESA_Funded.

  • Description: Indicates if the student is funded by an Educational Savings Account.

  • This element applies only to non-public schools and the field is hidden on the pages from public school districts using conditional logic based on the reportable school numbers within the district.

  • The dropdown list offers options of (0) No and (1) Yes; a value of 0 will be reported via SIF by default unless (1) Yes is selected.

  • The new ESA Funded field will be copied from Students to ReEnrollments when a student is re-enrolled so that the original value for the enrollment is preserved.

  • The new field now displays on all pages that contain Iowa Enrollment Information:

    • Enroll New Student

    • Current Enrollment

    • Re-Enroll in School

    • Create New School Enrollment

    • State/Province - IA > Enrollment tab

    • Transfer Out of School

    • Previous Enrollment

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