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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates. 



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Jquery Version 3.6 Upgrade

Additional Reference: PSSR-306326

The Jquery library in the PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer has been upgraded to version 3.6.

PSSR-310469New Link from Recalculate Class Ranks Page to Iowa Update Stored Class Rank and GPA Data Report

In School, Grading, Class Rank, Recalculation Frequency, a new hyperlink, Update Iowa Stored Class Rank and GPA Data is now available just below the Recalculate now button. This link opens a new browser tab and directs the user to the State Reports page where the official rank and GPA data can be copied to the Iowa Stored Rank and GPA fields. On-screen text is included with these instructions:
”After recalculating class ranks, the stored values on the Iowa Class Rank tab should also be updated to reflect the most current information available. Click the link below to go to the "Update Stored Class Rank and GPA Data" report on the State Reports page.

  • Set the Students to Include option.
  • To store the updated ranks, set the "Action to Take" option to "Store New Rank/GPA Data."
  • Set the Rank Type, Overrides and Output Type parameters.
  • Submit the report to run the update process.”
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