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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-297912New Iowa Stored Class Rank and GPA Data Verification Report

Update Stored Class Rank and GPA Data Verification Report: Version 22.9.1
As a follow-on to the Iowa eTranscript Data Collection and the new Iowa Class Rank tab added in the prior release, a new process and report are now available to assist districts in managing cumulative GPA’s and Class Rank data.

  • Summary
    • This report copies and stores calculated Class Rank and GPA data for selected students from the PowerSchool core Class Rank table to the Iowa State extended fields in order to preserve official rank information for use with the Iowa eTranscript.
    • The current values for the Weighted and Non-weighted GPA Methods specified in District > Schools/School Info for the student’s current or most recent reportable school are used to identify the Rank and GPA data to store.
    • The report also supports the ability to delete the stored Class Rank and GPA data and/or to delete any overrides to these calculated fields previously entered or imported by the district.
    • The values copied from the Class Rank table and any district overrides are available for review on the State/Province - IA > Class Rank/GPA tab.
    • A verification report with options for CSV or PDF output is also provided to allow the district to validate these data and to identify records with non-matching data that may be out-of-date.
    • When eTranscript records are transmitted to the state via SIF, the following hierarchy of data sources is used. The first non-NULL values in the order listed will be extracted.
      • Rank and GPA Overrides on the IA Class Rank/GPA tab
      • Stored Rank and GPA’s as calculated in PowerSchool and copied to the IA Class Rank/GPA tab
      • Current Rank and GPA’s from the PowerSchool Class Rank table
  • Report Parameters
    • Standard Selection of Schools and Students
    • Action to Take (required)
      • Select Option (equivalent of NULL)
      • Store New Rank/GPA Data
      • Delete Stored Rank/GPA Data
      • Report Only
        • If either the Store or Delete option is selected, additional parameters for the GPA/Rank Type and Rank GPA Overrides are displayed.
        • If the Report Only option is selected, no actions are taken and the verification report is generated using existing data in the tables.
    • GPA/Rank Type
      • Both Non-weighted and Weighted GPA/Rank (default)
      • Non-weighted GPA/Rank only
      • Weighted GPA/Rank only
    • Rank/GPA Overrides
      • No Action (default)
      • Delete Non-weighted Overrides
      • Delete Weighted Overrides
      • Delete Both
    • File Output: Select CSV or PDF (default is CSV)
  • Verification Report Output: Non-matching values between the GPA/Rank values last stored in the Iowa fields versus the current PowerSchool Class Rank table values are flagged with an asterisk character.
    • Student Demographics
      • Student Name
      • Local ID
      • State ID
      • Grade Level
      • Gender
      • School Number
      • School Name
    • Non-Weighted Rank and GPA (overrides, stored values, current Class Rank table values)
      • Ovr Nwgt Class Size
      • Ovr Nwgt GPA
      • Ovr Nwgt Rank
      • Ovr Nwgt Rank Date
      • Ovr Nwgt School
      • Ovr Nwgt Date Entered
      • Stored Non-Wgt Rank
      • Stored Non-Wgt Class Size
      • Stored Non-Wgt GPA
      • Stored Non-Wgt Rank Date
      • Stored Non-Wgt School
      • Stored Non-Wgt Date Copied
      • Current Non-Wgt Rank
      • Current Non-Wgt Class Size
      • Current Non-Wgt GPA
      • Current Non-Wgt Rank Date
      • Current Non-Wgt School
    • Weighted Rank and GPA (overrides, stored values, current Class Rank table values)
      • Ovr Wgt Class Size
      • Ovr Wgt GPA
      • Ovr Wgt Rank
      • Ovr Wgt Rank Date
      • Ovr Wgt School
      • Stored Wgt Rank
      • Stored Wgt Class Size
      • Stored Wgt GPA
      • Stored Wgt Rank Date
      • Stored Wgt School
      • Stored Wgt Rank Date Copied
      • Current Wgt Rank
      • Current Wgt Class Size
      • Current Wgt GPA
      • Current Wgt Rank Date
      • Current Wgt School
PSSR-302258 Section 504 Status Updated in ELL Extract

Iowa ELL Extract: Version 22.9.1
The Iowa ELL Extract is updated to report the 504 Status as Y and N rather than 1 and 0. Additionally, any 504 values that remain NULL in the database are reported as N.

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