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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-288231All States/Provinces: APEX Report Updates

Updates have been made to the following APEX reports and the new, updated version numbers are listed below:

  • Asset Inventory: Version 2.0
  • Asset Management: Version 2.0
  • Contact Relationship Details: Version 2.0
  • Courses List: Version 2.0
  • Current Grades: Version 2.0
  • Historical Grades: Version 2.0
    • Note: This report is designed to replace the Student Grades report. Historical Grades 2.0 has a new report ID and will not automatically replace the old Student Grades report. Users can publish this new report when ready and consider unpublishing the old Student Grades report. The report was also renamed to sufficiently differentiate it from the Current Grades report.
  • Standard Grades: Version 2.0
  • Student Demographics Plus: Version 2.0
PSSR-280849All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report Updates

Additional Reference: PSSR-289267, PSSR-284634, PSSR-281373, and PSSR-296964 

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.5

The following updates to the Attendance Profile Report have been made:

  • The minutes absent are calculated based on the daily attendance clock in/out time.
  • The report is sorted as follows
    • Last Name: List students in alphabetical order
    • Grade Level: List students by grade level (descending order) and then in alphabetical order
    • Homeroom: List students alphabetically by homeroom, homerooms are listed in alphabetical order or in descending order if homeroom values are numeric
  • Invalid data for clock in/out time is fixed
  • The Guardian Name will now consistently be extracted
  • When daily attendance is used, will only report the daily attendance data.
PSSR-280358All States/Provinces: Career Tech Credentials Report Renamed

Academic and Career Plan Credentials Report: Version 1.1

The Career Tech Credentials Report has been renamed to Academic and Career Plan Credentials Report to match the Academic and Career Plan Credentials functionality in PowerSchool SIS.

PSSR-297623All States/Provinces: Health Office Visit Detail Report Update

Health Office Visit Details Report: Version 1.2

The Office Visit Detail can fail if the VisitReason, Treatment, Procedure, VisitOutcome, and Assessment values exceed 4000 characters.

To prevent the report from failing, it will now truncate values in the columns noted above so the combined length does not exceed 4000 characters.

PSSR-286262All States/Provinces: Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

The minimum supported version on PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer is updated and can now be installed on PowerSchool SIS or later. For details refer to PowerSchool SIS – Supported PowerSchool Versions.

PSSR-300165Destination Location Code Updates

The Destination Location Code dropdown lists are now updated for 2022-23.

  • Any obsolete values which do not appear in the current IA DOE documentation (Addendum A: Destination Location by Destination Code) have been deprecated with a last effective date of 07/31/2022. These codes remain available in records for prior years.
  • Various minor discrepancies identified in school names have been corrected.
  • New codes added with an effective start date of 8/01/2022
    • New Non-Public School Codes added (Destination Location 2):
      • 05408225 Jordahl Academy
      • 12338103 Clear Lake Classical - Church Campus
      • 37158101 Montessori School of Marion
      • 67958401 Royal Legacy Christian Academy
    • New Charter School Codes added (Destination Location 16):
      • 27720175 Hamburg Charter
      • 81000101 Choice Charter
PSSR-297689New eTranscript Data Collection

To support the updated 2022-23 implementation of the Iowa eTranscript by the Iowa Department of Education, new fields are now available to capture required data elements including school information , student GPA’s and Class Ranks. This release includes elements for the eTranscript data collection only. Related updates to the SIF Iowa SMP (State Messaging Plug-in) will be provided in a subsequent release.

  • District > Schools/School Info > Other Information > Iowa State Reporting: eTranscript
    • Obsolete fields have been removed.
    • The fields for Sending Building Contact First Name, Last Name, and Maximum GPA have been retained. High schools should enter values in these fields.
    • Two new fields are provided to allow each school to specify the PowerSchool GPA Methods used for the weighted and unweighted GPA’s and Class Rank Calculations.
      • Non-weighted GPA Method (S_IA_SCH_X.NwgtGPAMethod)
      • Weighted GPA Method: (S_IA_SCH_X.WgtGPAMethod)
    • The available dropdown list options are populated from the GPA Methods defined in District Setup > Grading > GPA Calculations > Calculation Methods. This information will be used by the SIF Iowa SMP to extract the appropriate records from the Class Rank table.
    • If the school does not use PowerSchool to calculate official GPA’s and Ranks, these fields can be left blank. For districts that calculate Class Rank outside of PowerSchool, override fields are also now available on a new Class Rank tab in State/Province – IA. See the additional information on this feature in the last section of this release note.
  • School > Sections
    • C0050 - Institution Providing Section is now available on the Sections page, positioned directly before C0120 - Section Origination. Use this override only when the section value is different from the value entered in District > Courses.
    • In both Courses and Sections, validation for the PSEOA_Provider and PSEOA_District elements allows the selection of an institution of higher learning or the district number, but not both. If left blank, C0050 - Institution Providing Section will be reported using the district number.
  • Student > State/Province – IA > Class Rank
    • This new tab appears directly after the Graduate Info tab and is designed to capture and preserve official GPA and Class Rank data from the PowerSchool Class Rank table, and/or overrides for these elements if applicable.
    • Important: At this time, it is not necessary for schools to enter information on this page. In a subsequent release, a new “Update Stored Class Rank and GPA Data” report will be provided on the State Reports page. When available, this report will serve to extract, save and display PowerSchool GPA’s and Class Ranks along with overrides to these fields for transmission to the state via SIF for use with the Iowa eTranscript. 
    • Three sets of fields are available on the Class Rank ab for the Non-weighted Class Rank/GPA and the Weighted Class Rank/GPA.
      • Stored Rank: Values to be copied from the Class Rank table by planned Iowa report. These fields are read-only and are designed to preserve official rank calculations.
      • Overrides: Values entered or imported by the school or district. These fields are optional and can be used when Rank and GPA’s are calculated outside of PowerSchool, or when a student has a specific exception.
      • Current Rank: The current values from the Class Rank table are displayed for informational purposes. These fields are read-only and may differ from the Stored Rank/GPA data.
    • Class Rank/GPA elements
      • Rank
      • Class Size
      • Cumulative GPA
      • Date (date the Rank/GPA was calculated)
      • School
      • Date Entered (date the Rank/GPA was stored or entered on the IA Class Rank tab)
    • The stored Rank/GPA and overrides are held in a new extension table of students: S_IA_STU_RANK. Refer to the Iowa Data Dictionary in the online state reporting documentation for details.
PSSR-291937Iowa Error Checks Enhancements

Updates are now available for the Iowa Error Checks tab, which displays as an additional tab in Reports.

  • All Error Checks: In the display of the identifying student information, the student’s current school abbreviation now displays as the last element such as Smith, John (19002, Grade 10, IHS).
  • New Student Enrollment Error Check: No Scheduled Classes
    • These new error checks now appear for both Current and Previous Enrollments within the current school year.
    • This check is not enforced if the student or the student’s school is flagged as excluded from state reporting.
    • If the student has no scheduled classes for one or more days of enrollment at a school, the following error message displays: “No Scheduled Classes - Smith, Mary (302863, Grade 09, IHS) - 5 days between 08-22-22 and 08-26-22.”
    • The number of days is a hyperlink; click this link to view the dates where the student is missing a class schedule.
    • The pencil icon brings the user to the student's All Enrollments page.
  • Student Enrollment Error Check: Missing or Invalid Non-Public School Number (K0040)
    • While the error check logic was correct, the error message displayed was not. This is now corrected and displays as “Non-Public School Number must be 8 characters in length and the fifth character must begin with "8."
    • Additionally, on the State/Province – IA > Enrollment tab and on the Transfer Info and Enrollment Function pages, the data collection for the Non-Public School Number is enhanced.
      • The Non-Public School Number (K0040) field now displays as a dropdown list with the same values as displayed for Destination Location when Destination Code = (2) Iowa accredited nonpublic school.
      • Smart Search for the dropdown list is provided with a "Search code or school" input box.
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