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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-284625All States/Provinces: Clock In/Clock Links Displaying When not Enabled Causing Excessive Logging

The Clock-In/Clock-Out code is now updated to return a valid studentsdcid and a check has been added. These updates will stop the Clock In/Clock Out links from displaying when it has not been enabled and will no longer cause excessive activity in the logs.

PSSR-279318All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report - Days Count Update

Student Incident Profile Report: Version 1.1

Initially the Student Incident Profile Report has been updated and the Days count will now only factor in in-session days between the action start and end dates.

PSSR-288183Discipline Log Entries Verification Report Updates

Discipline Log Entries Verification Report: Version 22.4.2
The Discipline Log Entries Verification Report is updated to include the new discipline elements introduced by the Iowa DOE for the 2021-22 school year:

  • E0032 Assault, E0034 Property Damage, and E0036 Bodily Injury: These appear in the report directly after the E0022 Problem Behavior element.
  • Incident Victims: If one or more victims are attached to the incident, the victim details now display in the last columns of the report: Victim 1 ID (Student Number), Victim 1 Name, Victim 1 Grade, and Victim 1 School. Additional victims are displayed as Victim 2, Victim 3, etc.
PSSR-287321New Iowa Error Checks

A new Iowa Error Checks report tab is now available to provide validation checks for common state reporting issues related to invalid or missing data elements. The initial release of this feature includes checks for common Demographics and Enrollment errors. Access this feature from the Start Page by clicking on the System Reports link. The Iowa Error Checks tab displays as the last tab.

  • General Features
    • After clicking on the Iowa Error Checks tab, the error checks are grouped on two additional tabs: Demographics and Enrollment.
    • For each validation, click the down arrow to run the query and access the list of students for each error check. Only those students with an enrollment record in the current year are included.
    • Students are identified by Name, Student Number, and Grade Level.
    • Clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the student opens a new browser window and directs the user to the specific page or Iowa state reporting tab where the data element is entered. After correcting the data, the student is removed from the error list once the error check page is refreshed.
  • Demographics Tab
    • Missing or Invalid Student State ID: Identifies students where K0020 - Student State ID on the IA Enrollment tab is blank or does not have 10 numeric characters (Students.State_StudentNumber).
    • Missing or Invalid Date of Birth: Identifies students where D0020 - Birth Date on the Iowa Demographics tab has one of these issues (Students.DOB):
      • Missing Birth Date
      • Invalid: Birth Date cannot be the current year or current year minus 1.
      • Invalid: Non-PK student must be 5 years or older as of September 15 of the current school year.
    • Missing Hispanic/Latino Code: D0042 - Hispanic/Latino on the core Demographics page is blank (Students.FedEthncity).
    • Missing Race Code: At least one race code must be selected on the core Demographics page for state reporting elements D0043 - D0047 (StudentRace.RaceCD).
    • Duplicate Race Code: There are duplicate codes for the same race in the StudentRace table.
      • Note that this error is not visible from the UI, and is typically caused by import.
      • To fix this error, deselect each race code and submit the page; then re-select the race code(s) and submit again.
    • Invalid Unaccompanied Homeless Youth: Identifies students where D0341 - Unaccompanied Homeless Youth on the Iowa Demographics tab violates one of these state rules (S_IA_STU_X]HOMELESS_YOUTH):
      • Unaccompanied Youth must be blank or 99 if Initial Homeless Type is blank or 99.
      • Unaccompanied Youth must = 0 or 1 if Initial Homeless Type = 1, 2, 3, or 6.
    • Missing or Invalid First Date of Enrollment in US School: Identifies students where D0490 - First Date of Student Enrollment in US School on the Iowa Demographics tab violates one of these state rules: (StudentCoreFields.dateOfEntryIntoUSA):
      • Invalid: If populated, First Date of Enrollment in US cannot precede student Birth Date.
      • Missing: First Date of Student Enrollment in US School is required if D0330 Immigrant Indicator is Yes.
    • Marked as Exclude from State Reporting: Identifies students who are flagged as excluded from state reporting on the Iowa General Tab (Students.State_ExcludefromReporting). This check is intended for verification purposes only and does not necessarily indicate an error.
  • Enrollment Tab: This tab includes separate panels for the current enrollment record (Students table) and previous enrollment records in the current year (ReEnrollments table). The field names and validations for each are the same for both tables.
    • Missing PowerSchool Full Time Equivalency (FTE): Identifies students where the PowerSchool Full-time Equivalency field is missing in the enrollment record (FTEID).
    • Invalid PowerSchool Full Time Equivalency (FTE): Identifies students where the PowerSchool Full-time Equivalency field in the enrollment record is incorrect for the school year to which the record belongs, for the school, or for both:
      • FTE Mismatch (School): The FTEID belongs to the wrong school.
      • FTE Mismatch (Year): The FTEID belongs to the wrong year.
      • FTE Mismatch (School and Year): The FTEID is incorrect for both the school and the year.
    • Missing or Invalid Non-Public School Number: Identifies students where K0040 - Non-Public School Number in the enrollment record violates one of these state rules (NON_PUBLIC_SCHOOL_NUMBER):
      • Non-Public School Number is required if Entry Code is 8 or 82.
      • Non-Public School Number must be 8 characters in length and must begin with 8.
    • Missing Entry Type: Identifies students where D0175 - Entry Type in the enrollment record violates this state rule (ENTRY_TYPE): Entry Type is required if Entry Code is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 15, 19, or 81 and Service/Facility Type is not 8.
    • Missing Accountable District: Identifies students where D0207 - Accountable District in the enrollment record violates this state rule (ACCOUNTABLE_DISTRICT): Accountable District is required if Entry Code is 16.
    • Invalid Service/Facility Type: Identifies students where D0218 - Service/Facility Type in the enrollment record (FACILITY_TYPE) violates this state rule: Service/Facility Type must not be 4 if current IEP Level is not 1, 2, or 3.
    • Missing or Invalid Destination Code: Identifies students where D0224 - Destination Code in the enrollment record violates one of these state rules (DESTINATION_CODE):
      • Destination Code is required if Exit Code is 1, 2, 3, 10, or 11.
      • Destination Code must be 1 if Exit Code is 2, 3, or 10.
    • Missing Destination Location: Identifies students where D0225 - Destination Location in the enrollment record violates one of these state rules (DESTINATION_LOCATION):
      • Destination Location is required if Destination Code is 1, 2, 6, 8 or 14.
      • Destination Location cannot be your district.
    • Invalid Receiving Educational Services: Identifies students where D0228 - Receiving Educational Services in the enrollment record violates one of these state rules (RECEIVING_ED_SERVICES):
      • Receiving Educational Services must be 0 or 1 if student has an Expulsion Exit Code of 5 or 29 and IEP Level is 1, 2, or 3.
      • Receiving Educational Services must be blank or 99 if student has an Expulsion Exit Code of 5 or 29 and IEP Level is not 1, 2, or 3.
    • Invalid CPI Dual Enrollment: Identifies students where D0244 - CPI Dual Enrollment in the enrollment record violates one of these state rules.
      • CPI Dual Enrollment must be blank or 99 if Entry Code is not 6, 9, 12, 14, 21, 23, 27, 29, or 40.
      • CPI Dual Enrollment must be 1 through 5 for students with an Entry Code of 6, 9, 12, 14, 27, or 29.
      • Note: This validation does not apply to Non-Public Schools.
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