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State Reporting Release Notes

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Release Note

PSSR-288489ISASP Data Collection and Report Updates

Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress Extract (ISASP): Version 22.4.1
Updates are now available with new options for Online and Paper testing, along with ISASP Extract logic updates and a new user-defined extract option.

  • Data Collection Updates: Student > State/Prov - IA > Testing
    • A new student-level "Test Mode" field for Online or Paper testing is added to the Iowa Testing tab (S_IA_STU_X.Test_Mode).
      • This field allows the user to specify whether specific students will test Online or with Paper and works in conjunction with new runtime options for the ISASP Extract. It is not necessary to set this code for all students; it is intended only for those students with exceptions:
        • If most students in the district test online, but some students require paper, set the Test Mode flag to Paper for those students (paper extracts as blank in the ISASP extract).
        • If most students in the district test on paper, but some students test online, set the Test Mode flag to Online for those students (online extracts as 1 in the ISASP extract).
      • Note that any students assigned to at least one accommodation or designated support will be reported with the Online flag, regardless of any other option selected. On-screen text now displays on the Iowa Testing tab to indicate: "Accommodations and Designated Supports apply to online testing only."
    • A new value for Color Contrast is also now available for black on light magenta. This option is reported with code black-lmagenta in the extract.
  • ISASP Extract Updates
    • Student grade levels are now limited to grades 3-11 instead of 3-12.
    • Multiple rows per student are now output, one for each applicable subject based on student grade level:
      • All students (grades 03-11) are reported with a record for LA, RD, and MA.
      • Students in grades 05, 08, and 10 are reported with an additional record for SC.
      • The Test Code column is populated accordingly such as LA05, RD05, MA05 and SC05 for a fifth grade student taking all four subject assessments.
    • Accommodations/designated supports: Invalid accommodations based on grade level and subject are now suppressed and output as blank.
      • Interface Language (IF_LANG) and Alternate Language (ALT_LANG): Spanish is invalid for all grade levels for Language Arts and Reading
      • Text-to-Speech (TTS): Invalid for Reading Grades 3-5.
    • A new parameter allows the user to select the default for Paper (blank) or Online (1):
      • If the student-level coding indicates Paper, a blank value is output in the Online column.
      • If the student-level coding indicates Online or the student has at least one assigned accommodation or support, a value of 1 is output in the Online column.
      • Otherwise, all remaining students are coded with the Test Mode option selected by the user at runtime.
    • A new User-Defined Extract option is now available: When this option is selected, an additional parameter displays to allow the user to run for all students or the selected group of students.
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