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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: System Reports Missing - UpdateThe reposchema is updated with a precondition to ensure the script runs (at the correct time); This will ensure all reports load as expected on the System Reports tab.
PSSR-309720Data Collection Updates for Transfer Out of School and Student Contacts

The following Iowa data collection updates are now available.

  • Transfer Out of School:
    • State reporting fields that are not related to the transfer out process are removed from this page and relocated to the Other State Reporting Fields panel.
    • D0024 Destination Code and D0025 Destination Location are retained and should be filled out if applicable.
  • Student Contacts: In a prior release, a new IEP Access field was added to the student contacts detail page. The Iowa Department of Education is not implementing this element as planned, and it has been removed from the page.
PSSR-310162Discipline Log Entry Updates

Updates are now available for the Iowa Discipline Log Entries data collection.

  • The Incident Time now appears only when the Log Type = Discipline.
  • The validations for Major/Minor and Motivation are now warnings only; values are not required in order to save the Log Entry record.
PSSR-305523Stored Class Rank and GPA Data Updates

Stored Class Rank and GPA Data: Version 22.12.2

  • Stored Class Rank and GPA Data report modifications
    • CSV output: Any overrides for the non-weighted or weighted GPA and Rank now appear as the last elements within the group.
    • PDF output
      • The column headers now appear as "Stored Rank/GPA" and "Current Rank/GPA," and any overrides are displayed in the far right column.
      • This footnote is added: "*Items displayed in bold with an asterisk indicate a difference between the Stored and Current Rank/GPA values."
  • State/Province - IA, Class Rank Tab
    • Three columns now display the Stored Rank/GPA, Current Rank/GPA, and Overrides.
      • The Stored Rank/GPA column displays the values last copied by the Stored Class Rank and GPA Data report.
      • The Current Rank/GPA column displays the most recent calculated values in the Class Rank table.
      • The Overrides column displays any manually entered overrides to these data.
    • Any differences between the Stored Rank/GPA and the Current Rank/GPA are flagged with an asterisk and displayed in bold. If the stored rank data is out-of-date, run the Stored Class Rank and GPA Data report to update PowerSchool with the most current values from the Class Rank table.
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