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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-2675832021-22 Updates: Iowa Discipline Log Entries Data Collection

The Log Entry page for Discipline records is updated to conform to new Iowa Department of Education requirements for the 2021-22 school year.

  • Code Table Update: The description for E0022 Problem Behavior code 19 is updated.
    • Previous: Physical aggression with serious bodily injury
    • New: Physical aggression with serious bodily injury (includes assault)
  • New Checkbox Fields
    • Three new boolean fields are now available in the S_IA_LOG_X extension table and on the Log Entry page directly under the “Problem Behavior” element:
      • Assault: S_IA_LOG_X.Incident_Assault
      • Property Damage: S_IA_LOG_X.Incident_Prop_Damage
      • Bodily Injury: S_IA_LOG_X.Incident_Body_Injury
    • These elements conditionally display as checkboxes when the Discipline Log Entry is dated 08/01/2021 or later and the selected Problem Behavior is one of the following:
      • 3 Arson
      • 4 Communication of a threat
      • 5 Bullying
      • 14 Harassment
      • 18 Physical aggression with injury
      • 19 Physical aggression with serious bodily injury (includes assault)
      • 20 Physical aggression without injury
      • 21 Physical fighting with injury
      • 22 Physical fighting with serious bodily injury
      • 23 Physical fighting without injury
      • 24 Property damage/vandalism / misuse
      • 26 Special education administrative law judge decision
      • 32 Weapon related
      • 33 Other
    • On-screen text prompts the user to “Check all that apply to this incident.” The checkboxes can remain unselected if they do not apply.
  • New Panel: Victims of Problem Behavior
    • A new panel displays below the checkbox fields to support the tracking of any students who were victims of the incident with the following on-screen text: “Click the plus sign box next to "Add Victim" to search for and add one or more victims for any incident. For State Reporting, add victim(s) if the incident resulted in Assault, Property Damage or Bodily Injury.”
    • Victim records are held in a new S_IA_LOG_VICTIM_C child table with the following fields:
      • StudentID
      • StudentName
      • Student_Number
      • Grade_Level
      • SchoolID
    • To add a victim, click the blue plus sign box.
      • By default, the victim search is tied to active students at the school associated with the log entry.
      • Select the “Include Inactive Students” and/or “Search District-Wide” boxes to expand the search.
      • Grade Level can be entered but is optional.
      • In the Search box, begin typing the student’s name.
      • Highlight one or more students and click “Add Victims.”
      • Repeat to add additional victims if needed.
      • To delete a Victim, click on the red minus sign box.
    • Complete the incident data entry in the “Additional Iowa Elements” panel. Click the Submit button to save the record in the database.
PSSR-269205Set Preschool Attendance to 1 for Students Promoted from PK to Grade KWhen the State Reporting update is applied, a script automatically runs and sets the Preschool Attendance indicator (D0780) to 1 for students that were promoted from grade PK to grade K for the new school year.

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