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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-261917All States/Provinces: Attendance Change History Report

Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.0
Attendance Change History Report is a new System report that lists the students with attendance changes during the selected period.

PSSR-267750All States/Provinces: Edit School Page - Security updates

Implemented Security updates on the Edit School page.

PSSR-259236All States/Provinces: Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in Public Portal Pref Does Not Save

The Miscellaneous page in District is updated to save the Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal correctly.

PSSR-269275All States/Provinces: Health Report Update

Health Report: Version 1.3

The Health report is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-252074All States/Provinces: Learning Preferences Code Updates

The following updates are made to the Learning Preference Code definition page:

  • The Alternative Report Code and Set as Default fields are now editable
  • The Edit & New Digital Equity & Learning Preference record page is now updated to honor the Learning Preference Set as Default setting.
PSSR-267527All States/Provinces: Teacher Portal - All Students Page - Security Updates

Implemented Security updates on the All Students page in the Teacher Portal.

PSSR-265894All States/Provinces: tlist_sql/table_info tag Use Update

The improper use of tlist_sql/table_info tags, related to Prefs, has been fixed on the following page:


PSSR-269123All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Administration Record Update

Yearly Medication Administration Record: Version1.3

The Yearly Medication Administration Record is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-257496All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Inventory Report Update

Yearly Medication Inventory Report: Version 1.1

The yearly Medication Inventory Report is updated, and it runs (and completes) as expected for medications with “Received” inventory.

PSSR-2675912021-22 DOE Data Collection Updates

Updates are now available to support the Iowa Department of Education data element and code table changes for the 2021-22 school year.

  • New Non-Binary Gender Option
    • A new code of “X – Non-binary” is seeded into the Code Set for [Students]Gender.
    • This new value is displayed wherever the Gender field appears in the UI, including on the core and Iowa Demographics pages.
  • C0120 - Course Origination
    • The description for code 13 is updated from “Iowa e-Learning Central” to “Iowa e-Learning Central (ILC) Repository.”
    • New code 14 is added: “Iowa e-Learning Central (ILC) Exchange.”
    • Field Locations
      • Courses > Iowa State Report Information > C0120 - Course Origination
      • Sections > Iowa State Report Information > C0120 - Section Origination
  • C0045 - Section Delivery Method
    • Obsolete code 4 IPTV is hidden in the drop-down list for sections taught in the 21-22 school year and beyond. The code continues to display in sections taught in previous years.
    • New code 8 is added: “Blended”; the code displays only in section records taught in the 21-22 years and beyond.
    • Field location: Sections > Iowa State Report Information > C0045 - Section Delivery Method.
  • D0420 EL Status
    • The field label is updated from "D0420 - EL Status" to "D0420 – EL."
    • Field locations: State/Province – IA: EL Tab and on all the enrollment pages.
  • C0040 Accreditation Program Area
    • The description for code 3 is updated from “Foreign Languages” to “World Languages.”
    • Field location: Courses > Iowa State Report Information > C0040 - Accreditation Program Area
  • D0195 - Tuitioned Out Accountable School
    • This element is now obsolete and is hidden in records for the 2021-22 school year and beyond; the element continues to display in records from previous years.
    • Field locations: State/Province - IA > Enrollment and on all the enrollment pages.
  • Barcode Page
    • The Barcode page is now obsolete and the link to the page in State/Province - IA > General is removed.
    • The one remaining active field, “B0020 - Class/Teacher Name”, now appears in State/Province - IA > Testing.
PSSR-266132Copy Forward Iowa Store Code Mapping

In order to eliminate redundant data entry and prepare for 2021-22 state reporting, a new scheduled Oracle job has been added to copy the Iowa store code mapping from the previous year to the new 2021-22 school year. This job begins on August 1 of the current year and automatically copies store code mapping once the current date is seven days before the start date of the year term in Years and Terms. The process executes only once and also includes a check for any 21-22 store codes that may have already been entered by users so that duplicates are not created.

PSSR-267582New 2021-22 Therapeutic Program Data Collection

New elements to support Iowa Department of Education SRI and IDEA reporting requirements for Therapeutic Program Referrals and Time Spent in a Therapeutic Program/Classroom are now available.

  • Three new elements are added to the Iowa extension tables of Students (S_IA_STU_X) and ReEnrollments (S_IA_REN_X), and to all of the enrollment pages in Transfer Info, Enrollment Functions, and State/Province – IA > Enrollment.
    • D0097 - Therapeutic Program Referrals
      • DOE definition: The number of times the student was referred to a Therapeutic Program/Classroom this school year.
      • Added as S_IA_STU_X.Therap_Prgm_Ref and S_IA_REN_X.Therap_Prgm_Ref
      • These are single-character text fields implemented as drop-down lists with values of Select Code (the equivalent of NULL), (0) No, and (1) Yes.
      • The fields appear just below the existing element “D0095 - Military Connected Status” on the Transfer Info pages, and just above existing element D0175 - Entry Type in State/Province IA > Enrollment.
    • D0098 - Therapeutic Program Attended
      • DOE Definition: Did this enrollment period include any time spent in a Therapeutic Program/Classroom?
      • Added as S_IA_STU_X.Therap_Prgm_Att and S_IA_REN_X.Therap_Prgm_Att
      • These are single-character text fields implemented as drop-down lists with values of Select Code (the equivalent of NULL), (0) No, and (1) Yes.
      • The fields appear directly below Therapeutic Program Referrals.
    • Therapeutic Program Comment
      • S_IA_STU_X.Therap_Prgm_Comment and S_IA_REN_X.Therap_Prgm_Comment: optional 250 character text fields for local use.
  • The Therapeutic Program elements are tracked by date for each enrollment period.
    • Each time a student is referred, use the “Create New School Enrollment” function to begin a new enrollment period and set the value to “(1) Yes” for D0097 - Therapeutic Program Referrals.
    • If the student also spent time in the program, set the value to “(1) Yes” for D0098 - Therapeutic Program Attended.
    • If a student was referred but did not spend time in the program during the enrollment period, the value for Therapeutic Program Attended can be left as “Select Code” or set to “(0) No.”
    • Comments are optional and may be filled out or left blank.
    • Each time a new enrollment is created (student is transferred out and then re-enrolled and during the End of Year Process), the values for all three fields in the Current Enrollment are reset to their defaults of NULL/blank, and the prior values are automatically captured in the Previous Enrollment record to preserve the data for state reporting.
    • If a student receives an additional referral and/or spends time in a Therapeutic Program/Classroom during the new enrollment period, update the fields as needed.
    • In a subsequent release, the Iowa SMP will be updated with new logic to publish the Therapeutic Program data via the SIF StudentSchoolEnrollment object based on the data in the Transfer Info records.
      • D0097 - Therapeutic Program Referrals: will be calculated as the total number of times the student was referred during the current school year.
      • D0098 - Therapeutic Program Attended: will be reported as “0” (No) or “1” (Yes).
PSSR-248536New Warning When a Student Excluded from State Reporting Re-Enrolls

A new warning has been added to the Create New School Enrollment and the Re-Enroll in School pages. When a student who is currently excluded from state reporting re-enrolls, a validation is displayed: "Student is currently excluded from State Reporting. Do you wish to remove this exclusion?"

  • A hyperlink to the State/Province - IA -> General tab is provided where the user can reset the Exclude from State Reporting flag if needed.
  • If the user clicks the link, the page opens in a separate window.
  • The validation and link are not displayed if the student is not flagged as excluded.
PSSR-266137New: Optional Potential Migrant Questionnaire

In order to support the state's efforts to identify children who may be eligible to receive supplemental services from the Migrant Program, a new "Migrant" tab is now available under the State/Province - IA link. This data entry is not part of state reporting and is optional. Answers to the questionnaire will serve to populate a new report planned for the August release that mimics the Migrant Education Parent Form provided by the State. This form is used by districts to refer students and their families that have moved in the last three years to work in specific types of employment. The questionnaire includes the following new elements:

  • Has your family moved in order to work in another city, country, or state in the last three (3) years?
    • S_IA_STU_X.Mig_Moved_to_Work
    • Drop-down list with options of Select Code (default), (1) Yes, (0) No
  • If so, what is the date your family arrived in the city/town?
    • S_IA_STU_X.Mig_Arrive_Date
  • Has anyone in your family been involved in one of the following jobs, either full or part-time or temporarily during the last three (3) years? (Check all that apply)
    • S_IA_STU_X.Mig_Employment
    • Implemented as a series of checkboxes with the following options:
      (AG) Agriculture; planting/picking fruits and vegetables
      (DP) Dairy/Poultry/Egg/Livestocks
      (FS) Fishing or fish farms
      (MT)Meatpacking/Meat processing
      (PL) Planting, Growing, Detasseling or Farm labor
      (PR) Processing/packing agricultural products
      (OT) Other
    • The field holds a comma-delimited list of each selected code.
  • Specify Other Employment
    • S_IA_STU_X.Other_Employ
    • When "(OT) Other" is selected, the user is prompted to enter additional details.
  • Date Submitted
    • S_IA_STU_X.Mig_Submit_Date
    • This required field will allow users to filter records by date when running the new "Migrant Education Parent Form" report, to be provided in a subsequent release.
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