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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-2377642020–21 Iowa Data Collection Updates

Data collection updates for the Iowa Department of Education changes for the 2020-21 school year are now available.

  • Code Table Updates
    • Code tables are updated for the 2020–21 school year to add new codes, retire obsolete codes, and update the descriptions of some codes. The codes are also removed from the HTML pages and added to the PS_Common_Code table in the database, which supports the conditional display of the codes in the dropdown lists based on the effective date.
      • New codes for 20-21 have an effective date of 08/01/2020 and display in the dropdown lists only in records dated 08/01/2020 or later.
      • Obsolete codes have an end date of 07/31/2020; these display in records with a date prior to 08/01/2020 and are hidden in records with a later date.
    • D0175 Entry Type: descriptions for six codes (01821-01828) are updated to replace “public school” with “building” and to replace “local education agency” with “district”.
    • D0224 Destination Code: a new code added for (15) Bucksbaum Academy.
    • D0225 Destination Location for Iowa accredited nonpublic schools: codes are updated, and the list is now sorted alphabetically:
      • Retired Codes
        08198302 Kanawha Christian Academy
        14768103 St Albert Elementary School
        18638127 Holy Ghost
        20078106 Promise Academy of Quakerdale
        48698102 Sacred Heart School
      • New Codes
        17378225 Jordahl Academy
        17378507 Grand View Christian Middle School
        60398107 Dual Language Academy
    • D0570 - Post-Graduate Intended Educational/Occupational Plans
      • Retired code: (7) Homemaker
      • New codes:
        (10) Apprenticeship
        (11) Internship
    • C0120 Course Origination
      • Retired code: (6) Iowa Learning Online
      • New code: (13) Iowa e-Learning Central
    • D0571 Biliteracy Seal 2nd Language and D0572 Biliteracy Seal 3rd Language: the dropdown lists of available choices are widely expanded, and these elements now reference the three-letter Language Codes from the ISO 639-2 Codes table.
  • UI and Data Collection Updates
    • State/Province IA > Other tab: removed
    • D0210 Entry Date into District on multiple pages
      • The element will no longer be reported to the state
      • “D0210" is removed from the field label and on-screen text is added: “No longer reported to the state; retained for local use”.
    • ELL Elements on multiple pages:
      • D0420 - English Language Learner (ELL) Status is re-labeled to “D0420 - EL Status”
      • “ELL” is replaced by “EL” in the dropdown list descriptions
      • Retired Fields: state data element numbers are removed from the field labels and on-screen text is added to flag the element as retained for local use
        • ELL Monitor Year 1 Teacher
        • ELL Monitor Year 1 End Date
        • ELL Monitor Year 1 Decision
        • ELL Monitor Year 2 Teacher
        • ELL Monitor Year 2 End Date
        • ELL Monitor Year 2 Decision
      • D0425 - Date Parent Waived LIEP Services
        • This element is added were missing on the enrollment pages
        • This element is now also captured in a ReEnrollments (in S_IA_REN_X.LEP_Waived_Service_Date) when the current enrollment record is moved to previous enrollments
  • State Reports Page: the Fall/Spring Submission Report is removed entirely since it is no longer used for SRI reporting.
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