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S_IA_SGR_X (ver 17.2.0)

This table is an extension of the Stored Grades table, and holds Iowa-specific state reporting fields.

Column Name


Data Type




System generated primary key.

Course_Origination17.2.0Varchar2(2)The origination of the course curriculum. Migrated from [StoredGrades]IA_CourseType
PSEOA_District17.2.0Varchar2(8)The district providing the course section. Migrated from [StoredGrades]IA_PSEOADistrict.
PSEOA _Provider17.2.0Varchar2(8)The institution providing the course section. Migrated from [StoredGrades]IA_PSEOAProvider.
SCED_Course_Code17.2.0Varchar2(11)The SCED course code for the local course. Migrated from [StoredGrades]IA_SCED_Course_Code.
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