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S_IA_SCH_X (ver 17.2.0)

This table is an extension of the Schools table, and holds Iowa-specific state reporting fields.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

System generated primary key.

Building_Contact_Title17.2.0Varchar2(50)The title of the for the school contact; previously used in the Iowa e-Transcript. Migrated from [Schools]IA_BuildingContactTitle.  Obsolete as of August 2022.
Building_Name_Type17.2.0Varchar2(2)The building name type; previously used in the Iowa e-Transcript. Migrated from [Schools]IA_BuildingNameType. Obsolete as of August 2022.




The building phone type; previously used in the Iowa e-Transcript. Migrated from [Schools]IA_BuildingNumberType. Obsolete as of August 2022.

Contact_First_Name17.2.0Varchar2(50)The first name of the school contact; previously used in the Iowa e-Transcript. Migrated from [Schools]IA_ContactFirstName.
Contact_Last_Name17.2.0Varchar2(50)The last name of the school contact; previously used in the Iowa e-Transcript. Migrated from [Schools]IA_ContactLastName.
DistrictNumberOverride22.11.1Varchar2(4)The override for non-public schools within a Diocese comprised of schools with multiple district numbers.
MAX_GPA17.2.0DoubleThe maximum GPA value; previously used in the Iowa e-Transcript.Migrated from [Schools]IA_MaximumGPA.
MIN_GPA17.2.0DoubleThe minimum GPA value; previously used in the Iowa e-Transcript.Migrated from [Schools]IA_MinimumGPA. Obsolete as of August 2022.
NwgtGPAMethod22.8.2Varchar2(50)The GPA method used to calculate the Non-weighted GPA (eTranscript Collection).
WgtGPAMethod22.8.2Varchar2(50)The GPA method used to calculate the Weighted GPA (eTranscript Collection).
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