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S_IA_REN_X (ver 14.7.2)

This table is an extension of the ReEnrollments table.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

System generated primary key.

Academic_Year_Status17.2.0Varchar2(1)Full academic year status. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_FullAcademicYearStatus.
Accountable_District17.2.0Varchar2(8)The accountable district for the student. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_AccountableDist.
At_Risk17.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student is considered to be at risk at any time during the year. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_AtRisk.
Attending_District17.2.0Varchar2(4)State assigned ID of the district where the student is counted for attendance purposes. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_AttendingDistrict.
Birth_Country15.7.3Varchar2(2)Country of birth as noted on the Home Language survey.
Class_Teacher_Name19.5.1.0Varchar2(50)The name of the student's teacher or class.
CPI_Dual_Enrollment17.2.0Varchar2(2)Indicates the student’s CPI dual enrollment status. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_CPIDualEnrollment.
Destination_Code17.2.0Varchar2(2)The type of destination location. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_DestCode.
Destination_Location17.2.0Varchar2(8)The state assigned code for the specific destination. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_DestLoc.

Indicates whether the student receives Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) funded by IDEA Part B during the current year.

ELL_Assessment17.2.0Varchar2(2)The student's ELL assessment; no longer used for state reporting. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_ELLAssessment.
ELL_Exit_Date17.2.0DateThe LIEP exit date when the student was removed from the ELL program/service. The student's ELL exit date Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_ELLExitDate.
ELL_Placement_Date17.2.0DateThe LIEP placement date when the student was placed in an ELL program/service in the district. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_ELLPlacementDate.
ELL_Proficiency_Level17.2.0Varchar2(2)The English proficiency level determined by the LIEP placement instrument. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_ELLProficiencyLevel.
ELL_Program17.2.0Varchar2(2)The LIEP Instructional Program. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_ELLProgram.
ELL_Status17.2.0Varchar2(2)The studen'ts current ELL status. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_ELLStatus.
ELL_YR1_Teacher15.7.3Number(11,0)Year 1 monitor teacher folder number.
ELL_YR1_End_Date15.7.3DateDate the Year 1 monitoring will end.
ELL_YR1_Decision15.7.3Varchar2(2)Decision for monitoring after Year 1.
ELL_YR2_Teacher15.7.3Number(11,0)Year 2 monitor teacher folder number.
ELL_YR2_End_Date15.7.3 DateDate the Year 2 monitoring will end.
ELL_YR2_Decision15.7.3Varchar2(2)Decision for monitoring after Year 2 monitoring.
Entry_Type17.2.0Varchar2(5)The process by which a student enters a school. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_EntryType.
ESA_Funded23.7.1Number(1,0)Indicates if the student is funded by an Educational Savings Account.
Facility_Type17.2.0Varchar2(2)The student's service/facility type. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_ServFacType.
Foster_Care17.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether a student is in foster care. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_FosterCare.
FTE17.2.0DoubleThe student’s full-time equivalency. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_Fte.


Indicates whether the student is identified as gifted/talented. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_Gifted.
Home_Lang_Date15.7.3DateDate the Home Language Survey was completed.
Home_Lang_ID15.7.3Number(11,0)Home Language Identifier, other than English, from the Home Language Survey.
Homeless_Code19.5.1.0Varchar2(4000)Indicates the homeless code of the student.
Homeless_Youth19.5.1.0Varchar2(2)Indicates whether the student is an unaccompanied youth.

Indicates whether the student is homeless and served through McKinney-Vento funds.




The Special Education weighting for the student.

IEP_Placement_Date17.2.0DateDate of the students most recent IEP placement. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_IEPPlacementDate.
IEP_Staffed_Out_Date17.2.0DateDate of the most recent IEP staff out. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_IEPStaffedOutDate.

Indicates whether the student is an immigrant. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_Immigrant.




Indicates whether the student is continuing enrollment under the Junior Senior Rule.

LEP_ReEntry_Date15.7.3DateDate of LEP re-entry.
LEP_Waived_Service_Date17.8.0DateDate Parent Waived LIEP Services.
Migrant17.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student is a migrant. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_Migrant.
Military_Connected_Status17.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student is a child of military personnel. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_MilitaryConnectedStatus.

No_ ELDAScore



The reason no ELDA Score will be reported for the student; no longer used for state reporting.

Non_Public_School_Number17.2.0Varchar2(8)Indicates State assigned code of the nonpublic school where the student has his / her primary enrollment. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_NonPubSchoolNumber.
No_State_Math_Reason19.5.1.0Varchar2(2)The reason no state math assessment score will be reported for this student.
No_State_Read_Reason19.5.1.0Varchar2(2)The reason no state reading assessment score will be reported for this student.
No_State_Sci_Reason19.5.1.0Varchar2(2)The reason no state science assessment score will be reported for this student.
Other_Info_Field119.5.1.0Varchar2(3)The value of the first Other Information fields.
Other_Info_Field219.5.1.0Varchar2(3)The value of the second Other Information fields.
Other_Info_Field319.5.1.0Varchar2(3)The value of the third Other Information fields.
Paying_Job16.8.2Varchar2(2)Indicates whether the student has a paying job.

Indicates whether the student receives educational services. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_RcvEduServices.

Resident_County17.2.0Varchar2(2)The student's resident county. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_ResidentCounty.

The Department of Education code for the facility in which the student resides or the location
where the student receives the majority of his / her educational services. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_Res_Facility.


Indicates whether a foster care student is continuing his or her enrollment in the school of origin.

School_Override17.2.0Varchar2(4)Student-level override value for the student's school of enrollment. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_SchoolNumber.
Section_50417.2.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the student has a 504 plan. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_504.
TI_Target_Assist_Math17.2.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the student receives Title I assistance for math. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_TitleI_TargetedAssistanceMath.
TI_Target_Assist_Reading17.2.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the student receives Title I assistance for reading. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_TitleI_TargetedAssistanceReading.
Therap_Prgm_Att21.7.2Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student was referred to a Therapeutic Program/Classroom. Obsolete as of September 2021.  Therapeutic Referrals are now held a separate child table: S_IA_STU_THER_REF_C.
Therap_Prgm_Comment21.7.2Varchar2(250)The comments provided about the Therapeutic Program/Classroom.
Therap_Prgm_Ref21.7.2Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student was referred to a Therapeutic Program/Classroom.
Transfer_Option17.2.0Varchar2(2)The student’s option transfer status under the Unsafe School Individual Student Option. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_StudentOptTrans.
Tuition_Out_Acc_School19.6.2Varchar2(4)Numeric field for tuitioned out accountable school number.
Xtra_Curricular16.8.2Varchar2(2)Indicates whether the student is involved in extra curricular activities.
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