S_IA_REN_EC_X (ver 17.2.0)
This table is an extension of the Reenrollments table, and holds Iowa-specific state reporting fields related to Early Childhood Education.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 17.2.0 | Number (10,0) | System generated primary key. |
KG_Assessment_Instrument | 17.2.0 | Varchar2(2) | The kindergarten assessment instrument. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_KG_AssessmentInstrument. |
KG_Assessment_Score_1 | 17.2.0 | Number(11,0) | The first kindergarten assessment score. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_KG_AssessmentScore1. |
KG_Assessment_Score_2 | 17.2.0 | Number(11,0) | The second kindergarten assessment score. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_KG_AssessmentScore2. |
KG_Assessment_Score_3 | 17.2.0 | Number(11,0) | The third kindergarten assessment score. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_KG_AssessmentScore3. |
PK_Funded_By_CDCC | 17.2.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether PK was funded by Shared Visions/CDCC. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PKFundedByCDCC. |
PK_Funded_By_EPWM | 17.2.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether PK was funded by Early Childhood Iowa (ECI)/EPWM. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PKFundedByEPWM. |
PK_Funded_By_HS | 17.2.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether PK was funded by Head Start. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PKFundedByHS. |
PK_Funded_By_Other | 17.2.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether PK was funded by other sources. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PKFundedByOther. |
PK_Funded_By_Parent | 17.2.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether PK was funded by the Parent. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PKFundedByParent. |
PK_Funded_By_SWVPP | 17.2.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether PK was funded by SWVPP. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PKFundedBySWVPP |
PK_Funded_By_Title_I | 17.2.0 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether PK was funded by Title I. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PKFundedByTitleI. |
PK_Attendance_Indicator | 17.2.0 | Varchar2(2) | Indicates whether the student attended a preschool program, and if district-sponsored. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PreschoolAttendIndicator. |
PK_Program_1_Hours | 17.2.0 | Double | The number of hours the preschool student is attending Preschool Program 1. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PreschoolProgramOneHours. |
PK_Program_1_Session | 17.2.0 | Varchar2(20) | The user-defined code for Preschool Session 1. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PreschoolProgramOneSession. |
PK_Program_1_Type | 17.2.0 | Varchar2(2) | The program type for Preschool Program 1. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PreschoolProgramOneType. |
PK_Program_2_Hours | 17.2.0 | Double | The number of hours the preschool student is attending Preschool Program 2. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PreschoolProgramTwoHours. |
PK_Program_2_Session | 17.2.0 | Varchar2(20) | The user-defined code for Preschool Session 2. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PreschoolProgramTwoSession. |
PK_Program_2_Type | 17.2.0 | Varchar2(2) | The program type for Preschool Program 2. Migrated from [Reenrollments]IA_PreschoolProgramTwoType. |