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S_IA_CRS_X (ver 17.2.0)

This table is an extension of the Courses table, and holds fields used for Iowa state reporting.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

System generated primary key.

AP_Indicator17.2.0Varchar2(1)Indication if the course is an AP course; not currently used for state reporting. Migrated from [Courses]IA_CRDC_AP_Indicator.
Accreditation_Program_Area22.7.1Varchar2(2)The accreditation program area for the course. Migrated from [Courses]IA_AccreditationProgramArea. Updated length from 1 to 2 characters for the 2022-23 school year.
Common_Course_Number17.2.0Varchar2(6)The state assigned course number. Migrated from [Courses]IA_Cmn_Crs_Num.
Course_Origination17.2.0Varchar2(2)The origination of the course curriculum. Migrated from [Courses]IA_CourseType.




Is this a credit recovery course?

Embedded_WBL23.7.1Varchar2(2)Indicates the predominant Embedded Work-Based Learning experience for the course.
FTE_Supplemental_Weight17.2.0DoubleThe course section FTE for supplementary weighting. Migrated from [Courses]IA_SecFTEForSuppWgt.
Homeroom17.2.0Number(1,0)Indication of whether the course is a homeroom course. Migrated from [Courses]IA_Homeroom.
NCES_Course_Code17.2.0Varchar2(13)No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on custom reports and/or custom pages. Migrated from [Courses]IA_NCESCourseCode.
PK_Program_1_Hours18.1.0DoubleThe number of hours the preschool student attends Preschool Program 1. 
PK_Program_2_Hours18.1.0DoubleThe number of hours the preschool student attends Preschool Program 2. 
PK_Program_1_Type18.1.0Varchar2(2)The program type for Preschool Program 1.
PK_Program_2_Type18.1.0Varchar2(2)The program type for Preschool Program 2.
PSEOA_District17.2.0Varchar2(8)The district providing the course section. Migrated from [Courses]IA_PSEOADistrict.
PSEOA _Provider17.2.0Varchar2(8)The institution providing the course section. Migrated from [Courses]IA_PSEOAProvider.
SCED_Course_Code17.2.0Varchar2(11)The SCED course code for the local course. Migrated from [Courses]IA_SCED_Course_Code.

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