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PowerSchool SIF Iowa SMP Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-268287Update EL Fields To Default When Status = 2

When the EL Status field is set to 2, the LIEP Placement Date and the LIEP Exit Date will publish as blank, even if there is a value in PowerSchool. Also, the LIEP Instructional Program will publish as 99, regardless of the value in PowerSchool.

PSSR-270649Update DisciplineIncident with New Log fields

Discipline Incident has been updated with the Victim mappings along with three extended elements for Assault, Property Damage, and Bodily Injury.

You must be on State Reporting version to publish the updated Discipline Incident.

PSSR-270646Remove TOSchool from Student School Enrollment

TOSchool has been removed from Student School Enrollment.

PSSR-268147Publish StaffPersonal for Inactive Staff That Are Associated With a Class

Currently, inactive staff members are not publishing, which has caused some issues with some of the reports. The IA SMP has been updated so that if the Staff Member is a teacher of at least one class in this school year, then the StaffPersonal object will still publish. The StaffAssignment records will still be excluded.

PSSR-256404Add PGFinalGrades to StudentSectionMarks

Some districts have requested to publish PGFinalGrades as part of StudentSectionMarks. This is optional and requires the addition of the following property to the agent.cfg to publish.

  • <property name="iapgfinalgrades" value="true"/>
PSSR-270650Add Non-Binary Gender to SIF Publishing

The IA SMP will now publish the non-binary gender as a SIF Extended Element of IAGender.

PSSR-270647Add CalendarDate Publishing

CalendarDate will now be published by the IA SMP. This is based on the full year term of each school.

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