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S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X (ver 15.8.0)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table. These fields are specific to Special Education reporting.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the Students table. 

All_IEP16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from Students.GA_All_IEP


The Alternate SLO flag is used to identify special education students that have an alternate SLO.

AltMathSeq16.10.1Number(1,0)Migrated from Students.GA_Alt_Math_Seq
CRCT_M16.10.1Number(1,0)Migrated from Students.GA_CRCT_M
ExitCode16.10.1Varchar2(2)Migrated from Students.GA_SPED_ExitCode
ExitDate16.10.1DateMigrated from Students.GA_SPED_ExitDate
Environment16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from Students.GA_Environment
ExtYr16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from Students.GA_SpEd_ExtYr
GAA_Flag16.10.1Number(1,0)Migrated from Students.GA_GAA_Flag
PAE16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from Students.GA_SPED_PAE
PAE_Second16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from Students.GA_Sec_SPED_PAE
PAE_Second_Units16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from Students.GA_Sec_SPED_PAE_Units
Segment_FTE16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from Students.GA_SPED_SEGMENT
SpedSvcMin16.1.0Number(10,0)The total number of minutes for all IEP services which were in effect the week of the FTE count. Reported in October and March FTE reports.
Transition16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from Students.GA_SPED_Transition
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