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S_GA_REN_SpecEd_X (ver 15.8.0)

This table is an extension of the [ReEnrollments] table. These fields are specific to Special Education reporting.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the ReEnrollments table. 

All_IEP16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_All_IEP


Indicates the Alternate SLO flag is used to identify special education students that have an alternate SLO.

AltMathSeq16.10.1Number(1,0)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_Alt_Math_Seq
CRCT_M16.10.1Number(1,0)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_CRCT_M
ExitCode16.10.1Varchar2(2)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_SPED_ExitCode
ExitDate16.10.1DateMigrated from ReEnrollments.GA_SPED_ExitDate
Environment16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_Environment
ExtYr16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_SpEd_ExtYr
GAA_Flag16.10.1Number(1,0)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_GAA_Flag
PAE16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_SPED_PAE
PAE_Second16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_Sec_SPED_PAE
PAE_Second_Units16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_Sec_SPED_PAE_Units
Segment_FTE16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_SPED_SEGMENT
SpedSvcMin16.1.0Number(10,0)Indicates the total number of minutes for all IEP services which were in effect the week of the FTE count. Reported in October and March FTE reports.
Transition16.10.1Varchar2(1)Migrated from ReEnrollments.GA_SPED_Transition
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