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S_GA_CC_X (ver 14.2.2)

This table is an extension of the [CC] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the CC table.

CreditRecovery16.6.0Varchar2(1)Indicates that the course is being taken for credit recovery purposes. Migrated from CC.GA_CreditRecovery.
EOC_Purpose16.7.1Varchar2(2)Indicates the purpose for taking EOC.
EOC_Testing15.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates the student is enrolled in this course as an EOC/EOG course.




Indicates a middle school course is approved for high school credit.

InclusionCode16.6.0Varchar2(2)Indicates that inclusion service provided for the student. Migrated from CC.GA_CCInclusionCode.
InclusionTeacherID16.6.0Number(11,0)Indicates the teacher providing the inclusion service. Migrated from CC.InclusionTeacherID.
ItinerantTeacher14.7.2Number(1,0)Indicates teacher status as itinerant.
OnlineCourse16.6.0Varchar2(1)Indicates the student course enrollment qualifies as an online course. Migrated from CC.GA_OnlineCourse.
OnlineEOCTest15.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates the student will take the EOC/EOG test online.
SuplamentalSpeech14.7.2Number(1,0)Indicates class as a supplemental speech course.
Transported14.7.2Number(1,0)Indicates student was transported to course location.
EOG_EOC_Science17.7.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether student is taken EOC assessment..
EOG_EOC_Math17.7.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether student is taken EOC assessment.
Stud90PerAttOverride17.11.0Varchar2(1)Overrides the calculated value of Yes to No and No to Yes in the Student 90% Attendance field
NoGradeExpected18.5.0Number(1,0)Indicates student's "No Grade Expected" value
EOG_EOC_ELA18.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student is taking the EOC assessment.
SpEd_PrimaryArea18.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether a student is receiving Special Education services in a particular course.
SPED_Delivery_Model19.9.1.0Varchar2(2)Indicates the Special Education delivery model used.
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