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S_CT_STU_X (ver 15.7.3)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Students] table.

ActivitiesOfGraduates15.7.3VarChar2 (2)Code indicating a student's educational, career or other post graduate status. Migrates from [Students]CT_Act_Graduates.
DaysInMembership17.3.0Number(25,10)Indicates the number of instructional days that the student is enrolled in the school during the current school year. Migrated from: [Students]CT_Mem_Days
DaysInAttendance17.3.0Number(25,10)Indicates the number of instructional days that the student was present at the school during the current school year. Migrated from: [Students]CT_Atten_Days


VarChar2 (2)

Code indicating why the student is enrolled at no local expense. Migrates from [Students]CT_No_Expense_Code.
ExitStatus15.7.3VarChar2 (2)Code indicating if this is a temporary or permanent enrollment withdrawal/exit. Migrates from [Students]CT_Exit_Status.
FacilityCode115.7.3VarChar2 (7)The facility code of the district/school legally responsible for providing the student's education. Migrates from [Students]CT_Facility_Code_1.
FacilityCode215.7.3VarChar2 (7)The facility code of the second school if the student attends two schools. Migrates from [Students]CT_Facility_Code_2.
GraduationDate15.7.3DateThe actual date the student graduated from high school. Migrates from [Students]CT_Graduation_Date.
GroupCode15.7.3VarChar2 (10)Code used to sort labels. Migrates from [Students]CT_Group_Code.
GroupName15.7.3VarChar2 (20)Name of the group used to sort labels and to which the group code belongs. Migrates from [Students]CT_Group_Name.
InstuctionalSuppServices15.7.3VarChar2 (50)The Title 1 instructional and support services the student receives. Migrates from [Students]CT_Instruct_Serv.
ReportingSchool15.7.3Number (11,0)The school number of the reporting school for outplaced students. Migrates from [Students]CT_Reporting_School.
SASIDChangeRegUnReg15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Code indicating which SASID register the student belongs on: (R)egister, (U)nregister, (C)hange Migrates from [Students]CT_SASID_Reg.
SchoolType15.7.3VarChar2 (2)Code indicating the type of school this student is enrolled in. Migrates from [Students]CT_SchoolType.
SpecialProgramStatusCode15.7.3VarChar2 (2)Code indicating any special circumstances for this student's school enrollment. Migrates from [Students]CT_Spec_Prog_Code.
TechnicalProgram15.7.3VarChar2 (2)Code indicating the type of technical program the student participates in. Migrates from [Students]CT_Technical_Program.
ExcludeFromNTC15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Code indicating if the student's data should be excluded from transcripts. Migrates from [Students]CT_Exclude_From_NTC.
State_Student_ID17.2.0VarChar2 (10)

The Student's state-assigned student ID number. Migrated from: [Students]CT_State_Student_ID

ImmigrantStatus17.7.0Varchar2 (1)Indicates whether the student is an immigrant.
MilitaryFamily17.7.0Varchar2 (1)Indicates whether the student belongs to a military family.


18.5.0Varchar2 (2)Indicates student's current lunch status


18.8.0Varchar2(10)Indicates student's TCS Outcome Status Override
DateRegistered19.1.0DateThe date the student was registered to attend the associated school.

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