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S_CT_STU_SPED_X (ver 15.7.3)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Students] table.

AcademicProgram_TF18.2.0 Number(1)Academic program.
Age3_5PlacementSetting18.2.0VarChar2(2)Age 3-5 placement/setting.
AnnualReviewPPTIEP18.2.0DateAnnual Review/PPT to develop the first IEP
ECProgramHour18.2.0Number(25,10) EC program hour (not part of the IEP).
ExtracurricularActivities_TF18.2.0 Number(1)Extracurricular activities.
ExtSchYearServicesReq_TF18.2.0 Number(1)Extended school year services required.
IEPStartDate18.2.0DateThe IEP start date.
MostRecentEvaluationDate18.2.0DateThe most recent evaluation date.



District code of the district that has the legal responsibility to pay for the student's special education. Migrates from [Students]CT_Nexus_District.
NexusEntryDate15.7.3DateThe date the special education student enrolled in the Nexus district. Migrates from [Students]CT_Nexus_Entry_Date.
NexusExitDate15.7.3DateThe date the special education student exited the enrollment in the Nexus district. Migrates from [Students]CT_Nexus_Exit_Date.
NondisabledHoursperWeek18.2.0 Number(25,10) Non-disabled hours per week.
OutsideAgenciesInvAttPPT_TF18.2.0 Number(1)Indicates whether outside agencies are invited to attend the PPT.
SecTransitionGoalsObject_TF18.20 Number(1)Secondary transition goals and objectives in place.
SpecialEducation15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Indicates whether or not the student has an active IEP and/or receives special education instruction. Migrates from [Students]CT_Spec_Ed.
SpedHoursperWeek18.2.0 Number(25,10)  Special Education hours per week.
StudentAttPPT_TF18.2.0 Number(1)Indicates whether the student attended the PPT
StudentDisabilityDesignation15.7.3VarChar2 (2)Code indicating the nature of the student's exceptionality or disability. Migrates from [Students]CT_Stu_Design.
StudentInvitedtoAttPPT_TF18.2.0 Number(1)Indicates whether the student is invited to attend the PPT.
TotalSchoolHoursperWeek18.2.0 Number(25,10) Total school hours per week.
WhereDoesStudentLive18.2.0VarChar2(2) Where does the student live.
CaseManager18.5.0. NUMBER(11) Case Manager for Special Education Information.
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