S_CT_STU_SPED_X (ver 15.7.3)
This table is an extension of the [Students] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 15.7.3 | Number (10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Students] table. |
AcademicProgram_TF | 18.2.0 | Number(1) | Academic program. |
Age3_5PlacementSetting | 18.2.0 | VarChar2(2) | Age 3-5 placement/setting. |
AnnualReviewPPTIEP | 18.2.0 | Date | Annual Review/PPT to develop the first IEP |
ECProgramHour | 18.2.0 | Number(25,10) | EC program hour (not part of the IEP). |
ExtracurricularActivities_TF | 18.2.0 | Number(1) | Extracurricular activities. |
ExtSchYearServicesReq_TF | 18.2.0 | Number(1) | Extended school year services required. |
IEPStartDate | 18.2.0 | Date | The IEP start date. |
MostRecentEvaluationDate | 18.2.0 | Date | The most recent evaluation date. |
NexusDistrict | 15.7.3 | VarChar2(3) | District code of the district that has the legal responsibility to pay for the student's special education. Migrates from [Students]CT_Nexus_District. |
NexusEntryDate | 15.7.3 | Date | The date the special education student enrolled in the Nexus district. Migrates from [Students]CT_Nexus_Entry_Date. |
NexusExitDate | 15.7.3 | Date | The date the special education student exited the enrollment in the Nexus district. Migrates from [Students]CT_Nexus_Exit_Date. |
NondisabledHoursperWeek | 18.2.0 | Number(25,10) | Non-disabled hours per week. |
OutsideAgenciesInvAttPPT_TF | 18.2.0 | Number(1) | Indicates whether outside agencies are invited to attend the PPT. |
SecTransitionGoalsObject_TF | 18.20 | Number(1) | Secondary transition goals and objectives in place. |
SpecialEducation | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not the student has an active IEP and/or receives special education instruction. Migrates from [Students]CT_Spec_Ed. |
SpedHoursperWeek | 18.2.0 | Number(25,10) | Special Education hours per week. |
StudentAttPPT_TF | 18.2.0 | Number(1) | Indicates whether the student attended the PPT |
StudentDisabilityDesignation | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (2) | Code indicating the nature of the student's exceptionality or disability. Migrates from [Students]CT_Stu_Design. |
StudentInvitedtoAttPPT_TF | 18.2.0 | Number(1) | Indicates whether the student is invited to attend the PPT. |
TotalSchoolHoursperWeek | 18.2.0 | Number(25,10) | Total school hours per week. |
WhereDoesStudentLive | 18.2.0 | VarChar2(2) | Where does the student live. |
CaseManager | 18.5.0. | NUMBER(11) | Case Manager for Special Education Information. |