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S_CT_STU_Language_X (ver 15.7.3)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Students] table.



VarChar2 (1)

Code indicating why no comprehension scale score is reported for this student. Migrates from [Students]CT_com_miss.
CompScaleMissingOther15.7.3VarChar2 (100)Text explanation of why no comprehension scale score is reported for this student. Migrates from [Students]CT_com_miss_oth.
ELLCode15.7.3VarChar2 (2)Code indicating the type of English Language Learner (ELL) program the student qualifies for. Migrates from [Students]CT_ELL_Code.
ELLDateOfMastery15.7.3DateThe date the ELL student achieved the English mastery standard. Migrates from [Students]CT_DoM.
ELLDistrictServiceDate15.7.3DateThe first date the ELL student received any English language services, regardless of type, from this district. Migrates from [Students]CT_DoEll.
ELLIndicator15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Indicates whether or not the student is classified as an English Language Learner (ELL). Migrates from [Students]CT_ELL.
ListeningScaleMissingCode15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Code indicating why no listening scale score is reported for this student. Migrates from [Students]CT_lis_miss.
ListeningScaleMissingOther15.7.3VarChar2 (100)Text explanation of why no listening scale score is reported for this student. Migrates from [Students]CT_lis_miss_oth.
ReadingScaleMissingCode15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Code indicating why no reading scale score is reported for this student. Migrates from [Students]CT_rea_miss.
ReadingScaleMissingOther15.7.3VarChar2 (100)Text explanation of why no reading scale score is reported for this student. Migrates from [Students]CT_rea_miss_oth.
SpeakingScaleMissingCode15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Code indicating why no speaking scale score is reported for this student. Migrates from [Students]CT_spe_miss.
SpeakingScaleMissingOther15.7.3VarChar2 (100)Text explanation of why no speaking scale score is reported for this student. Migrates from [Students]CT_spe_miss_oth.
WritingScaleMissingCode15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Code indicating why no comprehension scale score is reported for this student. Migrates from [Students]CT_wri_miss.
WritingScaleMissingOther15.7.3VarChar2 (100)Text explanation of why no comprehension scale score is reported for this student. Migrates from [Students]CT_wri_miss_oth.

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