S_CT_STU_Demographics_X (ver 15.7.0)
This table is an extension of the [Students] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 15.7.0 | Number (10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Students] table. |
GenerationSuffix | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (4) | The student's generational name suffix such as Jr, II etc. Migrates from [Students]CT_Generation_Suffix. |
GiftedTalented | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (2) | Code indicating student's gifted/talented status if applicable. Migrates from [Students]CT_Gifted_Talented. |
Homeless | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (2) | Code indicating the students homeless status or living arrangements. Migrates from [Students]CT_Homeless. |
Migrant | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not a student qualifies as a migrant. Migrates from [Students]CT_Migrant. |
MothersMaidenName | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (35) | The student's mother's maiden name. Migrates from [Students]CT_Mothers_Maiden_Name. |
ResidentTown | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (3) | The town that is fiscally responsible for this student. Migrates from [Students]CT_Resident_Town. |
TitleIStudent | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates if this student participates in a Title I program in this school. Migrates from [Students]CT_TitleI_Stu. |
TownOfBirth | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (50) | City or town where the student was born. Migrates from [Students]CT_Town_Of_Birth. |
UnaccompaniedYouth | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not a homeless student is classified as an unaccompanied youth. Migrates from [Students]CT_Un_Aaccompanied_Youth. |
BirthGender | 15.7.0 | VarChar2 (2) | The gender of the student at birth. |
BirthLastName | 15.7.0 | VarChar2 (50) | The last name given to the student at birth. |
BirthFirstName | 15.7.0 | VarChar2 (50) | The first name given to the student at birth. |
BirthMiddleName | 15.7.0 | VarChar2 (30) | The Middle name given to the student at birth. |
TitleIProgramType | | VarChar2 (2) | This is an override field if the value for Title 1 Program Type is not retrieved from the school level. New field at the student level under the Title 1 tab to collect the information for the Title 1 program type |