S_CT_SCH_X (ver 15.7.3)
This table is an extension of the [Schools] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
SchoolsDCID | 15.7.3 | Number (10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Schools] table. |
FamilyLiteracyProg | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not Title I family literacy programs are conducted at the school. Migrates from [Schools]CT_Fam_Lit_Prog. |
FTEStaff | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (3) | The number of individuals who fit into the designated Title I staffing categories. Migrates from [Schools]CT_FTE_Staff. |
HighestGradeUsingStandards | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (3) | The highest grade level for students subject to Standards Grades for this school. Migrates from [Schools]CT_GradeUsingStandard. |
InstructionalProgram | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates if Title I extended time instructional programs are conducted at the school, including before or after school, weekend, and summer programs. Migrates from [Schools]CT_Instuct_Prog. |
PreKDaysPerYear | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (3) | Default number of Pre-Kindergarten program days per year. Migrates from [Schools]CT_PreK_Days_Per_Year. |
PreKHoursPerDay | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (5) | Default Length of the Pre-Kindergarten program day in hours. Migrates from [Schools]CT_PreK_Hours_Per_Day. |
UseMarkingPeriodDates | 16.6.2 | VarChar2(1) | Y or N - This School should use marking period dates (TermBins table) for reporting Final Grade in TCS Report |
Outplacement_school | 17.2.0 | VarChar2(1) | Indicates whether or not the school is an outplacement school. Migrated from:[Schools]CT_Outplacement_school |
SchoolTitleOneProgram | 21.8.2 | VarChar2(2) | Indicates Title One Program Type at School level. |