S_CT_REN_X (ver 15.7.3)
This table is an extension of the [Reenrollments] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ReenrollmentsDCID | 15.7.3 | Number (10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Reenrollments] table. |
ExitStatus | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (2) | Indicates if this is a permanent or temporary school enrollment exit or withdrawal. Migrates from [Reenrollments]CT_Exit_Status. |
FacilityCode1 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (7) | The facility code associated with this school enrollment. Migrates from [Reenrollments]CT_Facility_Code_1. |
FacilityCode2 | 17.3 | VarChar2 (7) | The second facility code associated with this school enrollment. |
PK_KGGrade | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (7) | The student’s pre-kindergarten or kindergarten grade level at the time of this school enrollment. Migrates from [Reenrollments]CT_KG_Grade_Code. |
ReportingSchool | 17.2.0 | Number(11,0) | Students reporting school name for outplacement school only. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]CT_Reporting_School |
DateRegistered | 19.1.0 | Date | The date the student was registered to attend the associated school. |
DaysInMembership | 19.2.0 | Number(25,10) | Indicates the number of instructional days that the student is enrolled in the school during the previous school year. |
DaysInAttendance | 19.2.0 | Number(25,10) | Indicates the number of instructional days that the student was present at the school during the previous school year. |