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S_CT_REN_X (ver 15.7.3)

This table is an extension of the [Reenrollments] table.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Reenrollments] table.



VarChar2 (2)

Indicates if this is a permanent or temporary school enrollment exit or withdrawal. Migrates from [Reenrollments]CT_Exit_Status.
FacilityCode115.7.3VarChar2 (7)The facility code associated with this school enrollment. Migrates from [Reenrollments]CT_Facility_Code_1.
FacilityCode217.3VarChar2 (7)The second facility code associated with this school enrollment.
PK_KGGrade15.7.3VarChar2 (7)The student’s pre-kindergarten or kindergarten grade level at the time of this school enrollment. Migrates from [Reenrollments]CT_KG_Grade_Code.

Students reporting school name for outplacement school only. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]CT_Reporting_School

DateRegistered19.1.0DateThe date the student was registered to attend the associated school.
DaysInMembership19.2.0Number(25,10)Indicates the number of instructional days that the student is enrolled in the school during the previous school year.
DaysInAttendance19.2.0Number(25,10)Indicates the number of instructional days that the student was present at the school during the previous school year.

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