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S_CT_LOG_X (ver 15.7.3)

This table is an extension of the [Log] table.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Log] table.



VarChar2 (2)

Code Indicating if the incident involved bullying. Migrates from [Log]CT_Bullying_Flag.
CertifiedStaffVictim15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Indicates whether or not a certified staff member was a victim in this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Vict_Stf.
DaysSanctioned115.7.3VarChar2 (7)The number of days the student was suspended or expelled for the primary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Sanc.
DaysSanctioned215.7.3VarChar2 (7)The number of days the student was suspended or expelled for the secondary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Sanc_secondary.
DaysServed115.7.3VarChar2 (7)The number of days the student actually served for the primary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Served.
DaysServed215.7.3VarChar2 (7)The number of days the student actually served for the secondary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Served_secondary.
DaysServedCarryover115.7.3VarChar2 (7)The number of days the student will serve in the following school year for the primary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Served_NY.
DaysServedCarryover215.7.3VarChar2 (7)The number of days the student will serve in the following school year for the secondary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Served_NY_secondary
EducationProvided115.7.3VarChar2 (4)Code indicating the type of education the student received during their out of school suspension or expulsion for the primary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Edu_Prov.
EducationProvided215.7.3VarChar2 (4)Code indicating the type of education the student received during their out of school suspension or expulsion for the secondary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Edu_Prov_secondary.
HarassClass_Disability_TF16.11.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the incident falls under the protected class of harassment or bullying on the basis of disability.
HarassClass_Orientation_TF16.11.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the incident falls under the protected class of harassment or bullying on the basis of sexual orientation.
HarassClass_Race_TF16.11.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the incident falls under the protected class of harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color, or national origin.
HarassClass_Religion_TF16.11.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the incident falls under the protected class of harassment or bullying on the basis of religion.
HarassClass_Sex_TF16.11.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the incident falls under the protected class of harassment or bullying on the basis of sex or gender.
IncidentDate15.7.3DateDate the incident for this log entry occurred. Migrates from [Log]CT_Dt_Offense.
IncidentMemo15.7.3VarChar2 (255)A description or other pertinent information related to this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Memo.
IncidentTime15.7.3VarChar2 (8)Time the incident for this log entry occurred. Migrates from [Log]CT_Incident_Time.
IncidentType115.7.3VarChar2 (4)The primary offense type for this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Incident_Type.
IncidentType215.7.3VarChar2 (4)The secondary offense type for this incident, if applicable. Migrates from [Log]CT_Incident_Type_secondary.
IncludeStateReporting15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Indicates whether or not the log entry should be included in the state reports. Migrates from [Log]CT_Include_in_SR.
LocalIncidentNumber15.7.3VarChar2 (6)The local incident number assigned to this log entry. Migrates from [Log]CT_Loc_Incident_Num.
Mech_Restraint_TF16.11.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the student was subjected to mechanical restraint.
NonSchoolVictim15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Indicates whether or not a non-school person was a victim in this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Vict_Non.

The CRDC offense category.

OffenseLocation15.7.3VarChar2 (2)Code indicating the location this incident took place. Migrates from [Log]CT_Loc_Offense.
OtherStaffVictim15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Indicates whether or not other staff members were a victim in this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Vict_OthStf.
OtherStudentVictim15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Indicates whether or not another student was a victim in this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Vict_OthStu.
PartyTakingAction15.7.3VarChar2 (2)Code indicating the party responsible for determining the highest level of sanction the student can receive. Migrates from [Log]CT_Party_Action.
Phys_Restraint_TF16.11.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the student was subjected to physical restraint.
ReferredLawEnforcement15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Indicates whether or not the student was referred to law enforcement as a consequence for this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Referred_to_law.
ReferringParty15.7.3VarChar2 (2)Title of the person who referred the student to the party taking action. Migrates from [Log]CT_Party_Referring.
SanctionType215.7.3VarChar2 (4)Code indicating the type of sanction/discipline the student received for their secondary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Sanction_Type_secondary.
SanctionType115.7.3VarChar2 (4)Code indicating the type of sanction/discipline the student received for their primary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Sanction_Type.
SchoolSponsoredActivity15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Indicates whether or not the incident took place at a school sponsored activity. Migrates from [Log]CT_Sch_Spon_Act.
Seclusion_TF16.11.1Number(1,0)Indicates whether or not the student was subjected to seclusion.
StateIncTrackNumber15.7.3VarChar2 (10)The unique tracking number assigned to this incident by the Connecticut State Department of Education Migrates from [Log]CT_Inc_TrackingNo.
StudentArrested15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Indicates whether or not the student was arrested for this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Stu_Arrested.
SubstanceInvolvement15.7.3VarChar2 (4)Code that identifies the type of drugs, alcohol or tobacco involved in this incident, if applicable. Migrates from [Log]CT_Drug_Alc_Tob.
SubstitueTeacherVictim15.7.3VarChar2 (1)Indicates whether or not a substitute teacher was a victim in this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Vict_Sub.
WeaponInvolvement15.7.3VarChar2 (4)Code that identifies the type of weapon involved in this incident, if applicable. Migrates from [Log]CT_Weapon_Invol.
FacilityCodeOverride17.3.0VarChar2(7)Indicates the Outplacement Facility Code Override value. Migrated from: [Log]CT_FacilityCodeOverride

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