S_CT_LOG_X (ver 15.7.3)
This table is an extension of the [Log] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
LogDCID | 15.7.3 | Number (10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Log] table. |
BullyingFlag | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (2) | Code Indicating if the incident involved bullying. Migrates from [Log]CT_Bullying_Flag. |
CertifiedStaffVictim | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not a certified staff member was a victim in this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Vict_Stf. |
DaysSanctioned1 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (7) | The number of days the student was suspended or expelled for the primary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Sanc. |
DaysSanctioned2 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (7) | The number of days the student was suspended or expelled for the secondary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Sanc_secondary. |
DaysServed1 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (7) | The number of days the student actually served for the primary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Served. |
DaysServed2 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (7) | The number of days the student actually served for the secondary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Served_secondary. |
DaysServedCarryover1 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (7) | The number of days the student will serve in the following school year for the primary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Served_NY. |
DaysServedCarryover2 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (7) | The number of days the student will serve in the following school year for the secondary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Days_Served_NY_secondary |
EducationProvided1 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (4) | Code indicating the type of education the student received during their out of school suspension or expulsion for the primary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Edu_Prov. |
EducationProvided2 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (4) | Code indicating the type of education the student received during their out of school suspension or expulsion for the secondary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Edu_Prov_secondary. |
HarassClass_Disability_TF | 16.11.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether or not the incident falls under the protected class of harassment or bullying on the basis of disability. |
HarassClass_Orientation_TF | 16.11.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether or not the incident falls under the protected class of harassment or bullying on the basis of sexual orientation. |
HarassClass_Race_TF | 16.11.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether or not the incident falls under the protected class of harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color, or national origin. |
HarassClass_Religion_TF | 16.11.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether or not the incident falls under the protected class of harassment or bullying on the basis of religion. |
HarassClass_Sex_TF | 16.11.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether or not the incident falls under the protected class of harassment or bullying on the basis of sex or gender. |
IncidentDate | 15.7.3 | Date | Date the incident for this log entry occurred. Migrates from [Log]CT_Dt_Offense. |
IncidentMemo | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (255) | A description or other pertinent information related to this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Memo. |
IncidentTime | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (8) | Time the incident for this log entry occurred. Migrates from [Log]CT_Incident_Time. |
IncidentType1 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (4) | The primary offense type for this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Incident_Type. |
IncidentType2 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (4) | The secondary offense type for this incident, if applicable. Migrates from [Log]CT_Incident_Type_secondary. |
IncludeStateReporting | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not the log entry should be included in the state reports. Migrates from [Log]CT_Include_in_SR. |
LocalIncidentNumber | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (6) | The local incident number assigned to this log entry. Migrates from [Log]CT_Loc_Incident_Num. |
Mech_Restraint_TF | 16.11.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether or not the student was subjected to mechanical restraint. |
NonSchoolVictim | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not a non-school person was a victim in this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Vict_Non. |
Offense_Category | 16.11.1 | VarChar2(4) | The CRDC offense category. |
OffenseLocation | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (2) | Code indicating the location this incident took place. Migrates from [Log]CT_Loc_Offense. |
OtherStaffVictim | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not other staff members were a victim in this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Vict_OthStf. |
OtherStudentVictim | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not another student was a victim in this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Vict_OthStu. |
PartyTakingAction | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (2) | Code indicating the party responsible for determining the highest level of sanction the student can receive. Migrates from [Log]CT_Party_Action. |
Phys_Restraint_TF | 16.11.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether or not the student was subjected to physical restraint. |
ReferredLawEnforcement | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not the student was referred to law enforcement as a consequence for this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Referred_to_law. |
ReferringParty | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (2) | Title of the person who referred the student to the party taking action. Migrates from [Log]CT_Party_Referring. |
SanctionType2 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (4) | Code indicating the type of sanction/discipline the student received for their secondary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Sanction_Type_secondary. |
SanctionType1 | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (4) | Code indicating the type of sanction/discipline the student received for their primary offense. Migrates from [Log]CT_Sanction_Type. |
SchoolSponsoredActivity | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not the incident took place at a school sponsored activity. Migrates from [Log]CT_Sch_Spon_Act. |
Seclusion_TF | 16.11.1 | Number(1,0) | Indicates whether or not the student was subjected to seclusion. |
StateIncTrackNumber | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (10) | The unique tracking number assigned to this incident by the Connecticut State Department of Education Migrates from [Log]CT_Inc_TrackingNo. |
StudentArrested | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not the student was arrested for this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Stu_Arrested. |
SubstanceInvolvement | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (4) | Code that identifies the type of drugs, alcohol or tobacco involved in this incident, if applicable. Migrates from [Log]CT_Drug_Alc_Tob. |
SubstitueTeacherVictim | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates whether or not a substitute teacher was a victim in this incident. Migrates from [Log]CT_Vict_Sub. |
WeaponInvolvement | 15.7.3 | VarChar2 (4) | Code that identifies the type of weapon involved in this incident, if applicable. Migrates from [Log]CT_Weapon_Invol. |
FacilityCodeOverride | 17.3.0 | VarChar2(7) | Indicates the Outplacement Facility Code Override value. Migrated from: [Log]CT_FacilityCodeOverride |