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S_CO_CRS_X (ver 14.3.0)

This table is an extension of the Courses table and holds Colorado-specific state reporting fields.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

System generated primary key.

AdvancedPlacementCode17.3.0Varchar2 (2)Indicator as to whether the course is an Advanced Placement Course. Migrated from [Courses]CO_AdvancedPlacementCode.
Carnegie17.3.0Varchar2 (4)The number of length of the course in terms of Carnegie Units, or the grade level span for the course for prior-to-secondary courses. Migrated from [Courses]CO_CrsCarnegie.
CourseLevel17.3.0Varchar2 (1)The associated level for the course offered. Migrated from [Courses]CO_CrsCourseLevel.
CrsSequence17.3.0Varchar2 (1)

The Course Sequence field, used in conjunction with “Sequence Total”, describes the manner in which school systems may break up increasingly difficult or more complex course information. The sequence represents the part of the total. Migrated from [Courses]CO_CrsSequence.

Description17.3.0Varchar2 (2000)A description of the course. Migrated from [Courses]CO_CrsDescription.
DistUse117.3.0Varchar2 (20)District-defined optional course sort field one; not reported to the state. Migrated from [Courses]CO_DistUse1.
DistUse217.3.0Varchar2 (20)District-defined optional course sort field two; not reported to the state. Migrated from [Courses]CO_DistUse2.



Number (11,0)

Math and Science Partnership 4-digit codes.

SeqTotal17.3.0Varchar2 (1)

The Sequence Total field, ssed in conjunction with “Course Sequence”, describes the total number of courses offered in a series of courses. Migrated from [Courses]CO_CrsSeqTotal.

State_ExcludeFromReporting14.10.0Number (1,0)Exclude from state reporting.
IndustryCertificate19.3.0BooleanIndustry Certificate Course.
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