S_CA_STU_X (ver 14.3.0)
This table is an extension of the [Students] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 14.3.0 | Number(10,0) | The primary key that relates the extended table to the Students table. |
Address2 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(60) | Address Line 2. Migrated from [Students.CA_Address2]. |
After3rdBD | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | IEP after 3rd Birthday Reason. Migrated from [Students.CA_After3rdBD]. |
AKAFirst | 14.3.0 | Varchar2(30) | CALPADS Student Alias First Name (2.15). Migrated from [Students.CA_AKAFirst]. |
AKAMiddle | 14.3.0 | Varchar2(30) | CALPADS Student Alias Middle Name (2.16). Migrated from [Students.CA_AKAMiddle]. |
AKASurname | 14.3.0 | Varchar2(50) | CALPADS Student Alias Last Name (2.17). Migrated from [Students.CA_AKASurname]. |
AltAssess | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Student will be assessed with an Alternative Assessment (CAPA). Migrated from [Students.CA_AltAssess]. |
BirthCountry | 14.3.0 | Varchar2(2) | CALPADS Student Birth Country Code (2.22). Migrated from [Students.CA_BirthCountry]. |
BirthPlace_City | 14.3.0 | Varchar2(30) | CALPADS Student Birth City (2.20). Migrated from [Students.CA_BirthPlace_City]. |
BirthPlace_StateProvince | 14.3.0 | Varchar2(6) | CALPADS Student Birth State Province Code (2.21). Migrated from [Students.CA_BirthPlace_StateProvince]. |
CasemisNote | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(4000) | CASEMIS Notes. Migrated from [Students.CA_CasemisNote]. |
CELDT_TestPurpose | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Testing Purpose. Migrated from [Students.CA_CELDT_TestPurpose]. |
CensusMakeupInd | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Census or Make-up Indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_CensusMakeupInd]. |
CMA_CSTTest | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | CMA Student will take CST End of Course Test. Migrated from [Students.CA_CMA_CSTTest]. |
CMA_ELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Student will be assessed with CMA - ELA. Migrated from [Students.CA_CMA_ELA]. |
CMA_Math | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Student will be assessed with CMA - Math. Migrated from [Students.CA_CMA_Math]. |
CMA_Science | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Student will be assessed with CMA - Science. Migrated from [Students.CA_CMA_Science]. |
CompEmployment | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Competitive Employment. Migrated from [Students.CA_CompEmployment]. |
Counselor | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(35) | Student Counselor Name. Migrated from [Students.CA_Counselor]. |
CountyOfResidence | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(2) | County Code of Student Residence for Students with IEPs. Migrated from [Students.CA_CountyOfResidence]. |
CTERelatedProgram | | Varchar2(1) | An indication of whether or not the postsecondary education, employment, or training is related to the Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway that the student participated in prior to completing grade 12. |
DiplomaType | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(18) | Diploma Type. Migrated from [Students.CA_DiplomaType]. |
DirCertMethod | 17.9.0 | Varchar2(1) | Direct Certification Method for free or reduced lunch. |
DistrictOfServices | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(7) | District of Services. Migrated from [Students.CA_DistrictOfServices]. |
DistrictOfSpEdAcc | | Varchar2(7) | District of Special Education Accountability |
EarlyIntervening | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Early Intervening. Migrated from [Students.CA_EarlyIntervening]. |
EduInstType | | Varchar2(2) | Educational Institution Type |
EduPlanAmmendDate | | Date | Education Plan amendment date |
EduPlanType | | Varchar2(3) | Education Plan type Code |
ELAStatus | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(4) | Current ELA Status. Migrated from [Students.CA_ELAStatus]. |
ELAStatusDate | 16.2.2 | Date | Current ELA Status Start Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_DateELAStatus]. |
ELCParentAuth | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | Parental authorization to submit transcripts. Migrated from [Students.CA_ELCParentAuth]. |
ELCSubmit | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(9) | Student is a CandiDate for the ELC Program. Select the 11th grade school year. Migrated from [Students.CA_ELCSubmit]. |
ELEnrollDate | 16.2.2 | Date | EL Date Enrolled. Migrated from [Students.CA_DateEnroll]. |
ELlt12mos | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | English Learner in US Public Schools less than 12 mos. Migrated from [Students.CA_ELlt12mos]. |
ELProfELA | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Proficient or Advanced for ELA Code. Migrated from [Students.CA_ELProfELA]. |
ELProgram | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | English Learner Program. Migrated from [Students.CA_EL]. |
EnrollmentStatus | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Enrollment Status Code. Migrated from [Students.CA_EnrollmentStatus]. |
ExcludeFromADA | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | Exclude this enrollment from CA ADA Reporting. Migrated from [Students.CA_ExcludeFromADA]. |
ExpectedGradDate | 16.2.2 | Date | Expected High School Graduation Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_Expected_GradDate]. |
FedSetting | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Federal Program Setting (ages 6-22 only). Migrated from [Students.CA_FedSetting]. |
FirstCASchooling | 17.4.0 | Date | Student initial CA School Enrollment Date, used for immunization requirements. |
FirstUSASchooling | 14.3.0 | Date | CALPADS Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12 (2.45). Migrated from [Students.CA_FirstUSASchooling]. |
FoodHandlerCert | 19.2.0 | Varchar2(1) | Food Handler Certification program completion indicator. |
FR_Code | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | No longer used by application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. Migrated from [Students. Field]. |
G1Relationship | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(2) | Guardian 1 - Name - Relationship. Migrated from [Students.CA_G1Relationship]. |
G2Relationship | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(2) | Guardian 2 - Name - Relationship. Migrated from [Students.CA_G2Relationship]. |
GATE | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | Gifted and Talented Program Participant. Migrated from [Students.CA_GATE]. |
GradeLevelOverride | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(2) | CA Grade Level Override. Migrated from [Students.CA_GradeLevelOverride]. |
GradProgram | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(18) | Graduation Program of Study. Migrated from [Students.CA_GradProgram]. |
GraduationPlan | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Graduation Plan per IEP (grades 8+). Migrated from [Students.CA_GraduationPlan]. |
GraduationStatus | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Graduation Status. Migrated from [Students.CA_GraduationStatus]. |
GroupCode | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(15) | Testing Group Code. Migrated from [Students.CA_GroupCode]. |
GroupName | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(30) | Testing Group Name. Migrated from [Students.CA_GroupName]. |
GSSealMerit | 17.4.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicator that the student has qualified for the Golden State Seal Merit Diploma. |
Gt60DaysReasonCode | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Beyond 60 Day Reason. Migrated from [Students.CA_Gt60Days]. |
Guardian2_FirstName | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(30) | Guardian 2 -First Name. Migrated from [Students.CA_guardian2_fn]. |
Guardian2_LastName | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(50) | Guardian 2 - Last Name. Migrated from [Students.CA_guardian2_ln]. |
HSEEExpEng | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | CAHSEE English-Lang. Arts Experience. Migrated from [Students.CA_HSEEExpEng]. |
HSEEExpMath | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | CAHSEE Mathematics Experience. Migrated from [Students.CA_HSEEExpMath]. |
IEPType | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | IEP Type. Migrated from [Students.CA_IEPType]. |
ImmigrantFunding | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | Immigrant Funding Indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_ImmigrantFunding]. |
IndustryField | | Varchar2(3) | Industry field |
InfFedSetting | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Federal Infant Program Setting (ages 0-2 only). Migrated from [Students.CA_InfFedSetting]. |
InfInitEvaluationDate | 16.2.2 | Date | Infant - Initial Evaluation Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_InfInitEvaluation]. |
InfParentConsentDate | 16.2.2 | Date | Infant - Parent Consent Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_InfParentConsent]. |
InfRefAge2Date | 16.2.2 | Date | Infant - Referral Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_InfRefAge2Date]. |
InfReferredByCode | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Infant - Referral By. Migrated from [Students.CA_InfReferredBy]. |
InfRegCenSerEligInd | | Varchar2(1) | Infant Regional Center Services Eligibility Indicator |
InfSetting | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Infant - Program Setting. Migrated from [Students.CA_InfSetting]. |
InitEvaluationDate | 16.2.2 | Date | Students ages 3 to 22 - Initial Evaluation Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_InitEvaluation]. |
InterdistrictTransfer | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Interdistrict Transfer Code. Migrated from [Students.CA_InterdistrictTransfer]. |
LastIEPDate | 16.2.2 | Date | Last IEP Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_LastIEPDate]. |
LatestEvalDate | 16.2.2 | Date | Latest Evaluation Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_LatestEvalDate]. |
MigrantEd | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | Migrant Education Program Participant Indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_MigrantEd]. |
MultChoiceWave | 16.1.0 | Varchar2(2) | PREID - Multiple Choice Test Administration Period. Migrated from [Students.CA_MultChWave]. |
NameSuffix | 14.3.0 | Varchar2(3) | CALPADS Student Legal Name Suffix Code (2.14). Migrated from [Students.CA_NameSuffix]. |
NonPublicIEP | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | (No Longer Collected). Migrated from [Students.CA_NonPublicIEP]. |
NPS_CDS_SchoolCode | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(7) | School of Attendance NPS. Migrated from [Students.CA_NPS_CDS_SchoolCode]. |
Opportunity | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | (108) Opportunity / Updating student Opportunity status. Migrated from [Students.CA_Opportunity]. |
ParentConsentDate | 16.2.2 | Date | Students ages 3 to 22 - Parent Consent Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_ParentConsent]. |
ParentCorrespLang | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(2) | Parent/Guardian Correspondence Language. Migrated from [Students.CA_ParentCorrespLang]. |
ParentEd | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Parent/Guardian Highest Education Level. Migrated from [Students.CA_ParentEd]. |
ParentInput | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Parent Evaluation of District's Family Involvement Efforts. Migrated from [Students.CA_ParInput]. |
Post2ndProgram | | Varchar2(200) | Program Participation. Migrated from [Students.CA_Post2ndProgram]. |
PostGrade12 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Post-Grade 12 Student for CAHSEE. Migrated from [Students.CA_PostGrade12]. |
PostHighSchCred | | Varchar2(2) | Post-High School Credential |
PostsecondaryTransition | 19.2.0 | Varchar2(1) | Postsecondary/Transition status indicator. |
PreApprenticeshipCert | 19.2.0 | Varchar2(1) | Pre-Apprenticeship Certification program completion indicator. |
PreApprenticeshipNonCert | 19.2.0 | Varchar2(1) | Pre-Apprenticeship (non-certified) program completion indicator. |
PreFedSetting | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Federal Preschool Program Setting (ages 3-5 only). Migrated from [Students.CA_PreFedSetting]. |
PreIDData1 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(54) | PREID Customer Data 1. Migrated from [Students.CA_PreIDData1]. |
PreIDData2 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(54) | PREID Customer Data 2. Migrated from [Students.CA_PreIDData2]. |
PreviousSelpa | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(4) | Previous SELPA. Migrated from [Students.CA_PreviousSelpa]. |
PrimaryDisability | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Primary Disability Code. Migrated from [Students.CA_PrimDisability]. |
PrimaryGuardian | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(2) | Primary Guardian Indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_PrimaryGuardian]. |
PrimaryLanguage | 14.3.0 | Varchar2(2) | CALPADS Student Primary Language Code (12.15). Migrated from [Students.CA_PrimaryLanguage]. |
PrimaryResidence | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Primary Residence Code. Migrated from [Students.CA_PrimaryResidence]. |
PTCPCahsee | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | CASEMIS CAHSEE. Migrated from [Students.CA_PTCPCahsee]. |
PTCPEla | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | CASEMIS ELA. Migrated from [Students.CA_PTCPEla]. |
PTCPHistory | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | CASEMIS History. Migrated from [Students.CA_PTCPHistory]. |
PTCPMath | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | CASEMIS Math. Migrated from [Students.CA_PTCPMath]. |
PTCPScience | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | CASEMIS Science. Migrated from [Students.CA_PTCPScience]. |
PTCPWriting | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | CASEMIS Writing. Migrated from [Students.CA_PTCPWriting]. |
ReceiverSchool | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(15) | Expected Receiver School of Attendance. Migrated from [Students.CA_ReceiverSchool]. |
RefAge2Date | 16.2.2 | Date | Infants - Age 2 Referral Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_RefAge2Date]. |
ReferredByCode | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Infants - Age 2 Referral By. Migrated from [Students.CA_ReferredBy]. |
RegClassPercent | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Inside Regular Classroom %. Migrated from [Students.CA_RegClassPercent]. |
ReportingSelpa | | Varchar2(4) | Reporting SELPA |
ResStatus | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Residential Status. Migrated from [Students.CA_ResStatus]. |
RFEPDate | 16.2.2 | Date | RFEP Date Reclassified. Migrated from [Students.CA_DateRFEP]. |
SchoolCompletionStatus | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | School Completion Status. Migrated from [Students.CA_SchoolCompletionStatus]. |
SecondaryGuardian | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(2) | Secondary Guardian Indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_SecondaryGuardian]. |
SoleLow | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Sole Low. Migrated from [Students.CA_SoleLow]. |
SpEd504 | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | 504 Accommodation Plan Indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_SpEd504]. |
SpEdGradeLevel | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Special Ed Grade Equivalency. Migrated from [Students.CA_SpEdGradeLevel]. |
SpEduMeetingAmmendId | | Varchar2(28) | Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier |
SpEduMeetingType | | Varchar2(2) | Special Education Meeting type Code |
SpEntryDate | 18.2.0 | Date | Special Ed Entry Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_SpEntryDate]. |
SpTrans | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Special Ed Transportation Needed. Migrated from [Students.CA_SpTrans]. |
STASExemptionIndicator | 18.5.0 | Boolean | Exempt enrollment from STAS and Student Absenteeism report. |
State_ExcludeEnrollment | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | Exclude current enrollment from State Reporting. Migrated from [Students.State_ExcludeEnrollment]. |
StateFederalJob | 19.2.0 | Varchar2(1) | State or Federal job program completion indicator. |
StateSealBiliteracy | 17.4.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicator that the student has qualified for the State Seal of Biliteracy. |
STS | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | STS (Standards-based Test in Spanish). Migrated from [Students.CA_STS]. |
TenMoreWeekHrInd | | Varchar2(1) | Ten or More Weekly Hours in Setting Indicator |
TitleI_Targeted | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | Title I Targeted Indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_TitleI_Targeted]. |
TranReg1 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Student's IEP includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goal or goals that covers education or training, employment, and, as needed, independent living indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_TranReg1]. |
TranReg2 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Postsecondary goal(s) upDated annually indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_TranReg2]. |
TranReg3 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Measurable postsecondary goal(s) based on age appropriate transition assessment indicator.Migrated from [Students.CA_TranReg3]. |
TranReg4 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | An indicator that the transition services in the IEP will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goal(s). Migrated from [Students.CA_TranReg4]. |
TranReg5 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Transition services include courses of study that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goal(s) indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_TranReg5]. |
TranReg6 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Annual IEP goal(s) related to the student's transition services needs indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_TranReg6]. |
TranReg7 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services were discussed indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_TranReg7]. |
TranReg8 | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | Evidence that a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_TranReg8]. |
TranscriptNotes | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(4000) | Transcript Notes. Migrated from [Students.CA_TranscriptNotes]. |
UC_CSU_Elig | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | UC/CSU Course Requirements Met indicator. Migrated from [Students.CA_UC_CSU_Elig]. |
UC_CSU_Override | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(3) | UC/CSU Course Requirements Override. Migrated from [Students.CA_UC_CSU]. |
UC_CSU_Use_Override | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | Use UC/CSU Override. Migrated from [Students.CA_Use_UC_CSU_Override]. |
WorkforceReadyCert | 19.2.0 | Varchar2(1) | Workforce Readiness (Strategic Skills) Certificate program completion indicator. |
WritingWave | 16.2.2 | Varchar2 (2) | PREID Writing Test Administration Date. Migrated from [Students.CA_WritWave]. |
LIPDevBilingualPrgrm | 21.5.2 | Boolean | LIP - Developmental Bilingual Program |
LIPDualLangImmersionPrgrm | 21.5.2 | Boolean | LIP - Dual-Language Immersion Program |
LIPHeritageIndigenousLang | 21.5.2 | Boolean | LIP - Heritage or Indigenous Language |
LIPNewcomerProgram | 21.5.2 | Boolean | LIP - Newcomer Program |
LIPOneImmersionProgram | 21.5.2 | Boolean | LIP - One-Way Immersion Program |
LIPStructEngImmersionPrgrm | 21.5.2 | Boolean | LIP - Structured English Immersion Program |
LIPTransBilingualProgram | 21.5.2 | Boolean | LIP - Transitional Bilingual Program |
LIPParentOptedOutELPrgrm | 21.5.2 | Boolean | LIP - Parent Opted Out of EL Program |
ParentEd2 | 21.8.2 | Varchar2 (3) | Parent/Guardian 2 Highest Education Level. |