S_CA_SCH_X (ver 16.2.2)
This table is an extension of the [Schools] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
AddendumComments | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(4000) | Addendum Comments. Migrated from [Schools.CA_AddendumComments]. |
AdminEmail | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(50) | Administrator Email Address. Migrated from [Schools.CA_Admin_Email]. |
AdminFirstName | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(30) | Administrator First Name. Migrated from [Schools.CA_Admin_First_Name]. |
AdminLastName | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(50) | Administrator Last Name. Migrated from [Schools.CA_Admin_Last_Name]. |
AdminPhone | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(20) | Administrator Phone Number. Migrated from [Schools.CA_Admin_Phone]. |
CalendarType | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(2) | School Calendar Type. Migrated from [Schools.CA_CalendarType]. |
CalpadsStoreCodesOmit | 17.4.0 | Varchar2(500) | Comma-delimited list of store codes that should be omitted from Student Course Section End of Year 1 completion reporting. Migrated from [Schools.CA_CalpadsStoreCodes]. |
CarnegieUnitsPerOneYearCourse | 16.2.2 | Number(25,10) | The number of Carnegie Units Equivalent to a One-Year Course. Migrated from [Schools.CA_OneYearCourseUnits]. |
CDS_SchoolName | 17.6.0 | Varchar2(100) | CDS School Name used to aggregate data when StateSchoolNumber is shared with other schools. |
CharterSchoolFlag | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | Charter School Indicator. Migrated from [Schools.CA_CharterSchool]. |
CharterSchoolNumber | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(20) | Charter School Number. Migrated from [Schools.CA_CharterSchoolNumber]. |
ClassroomInternetAccessCount | 16.2.2 | Number(11,0) | Number of Instructional Settings With Internet Access via Computer. Migrated from [Schools.CA_ClassInternet]. |
ComputersForInstructionCount | 16.2.2 | Number(11,0) | Number of Computers Used for Instruction. Migrated from [Schools.CA_CompInstruc]. |
Enable_WEDP_Edit | | Number(1,0) | Flag to allow teachers to manually edit section C of the Weekly Engagement and Daily Participation form, for this school only. |
ExcludeFromEOY1 | 16.2.2 | Number(1,0) | Exclude School from CALPADS End of Year 1 Course Completion Reporting. Migrated from [Schools.CA_ExcludeFromEoy1]. |
ExplanationForZeroTruants | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(4000) | Explanation for zero truants. Migrated from [Schools.CA_ExplanationZeroTruants]. |
HideWeeklyEngagement | | Number(1,0) | Flag to hide the links to the Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement Form from the teacher portal's home page. |
InstructionalSettingsCount | 16.2.2 | Number(11,0) | Number of Instructional Settings Used for Instruction-Related Purposes. Migrated from [Schools.CA_InstSettings]. |
Logo_Asset_ID | | Number(11,0) | Foreign key for PSM_ASSET table for deleting functionality of school logo image |
PerkinsEconDisadvantagedFlag | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(1) | Count all students in this school as Economically Disadvantaged. Migrated from [Schools.CA_Perkins_EconDisadvantaged]. |
SchoolATPCode | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(1) | School ATP Code. Migrated from [Schools.CA_School_ATP_Code]. |
SchoolLogoName | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(6) | School Logo. Migrated from [Schools.CA_SchoolLogoName]. |
SchoolProgramType | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(256) | School Program Type. Migrated from [Schools.CA_SchoolLogoName]. |
SchoolType | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(2) | School Type Code. Migrated from [Schools.CA_SchoolType]. |
SessionType | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(2) | School Session Type. Migrated from [Schools.CA_SessionType]. |
SessionTypeMinus1Year | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(1) | School Session Prior Year. Migrated from [Schools.CA_SessionType_minus_1yr]. |
SessionTypeMinus2Year | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(1) | School Session Two Years Ago. Migrated from [Schools.CA_SessionType_minus_2yr]. |
SessionTypeMinus3Year | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(1) | School Session Three Years Ago. Migrated from [Schools.CA_SessionType_minus_3yr]. |
StateSchoolNumber | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(7) | 7-Digit School Number (formerly CSIS School Number). Migrated from [Schools.CA_CSIS_SchoolNum]. |
TechEmail | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(50) | Technical Email Address. Migrated from [Schools.CA_Tech_Email]. |
TechFirstName | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(30) | Technical First Name. Migrated from [Schools.CA_Tech_First_Name]. |
TechLastName | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(50) | Technical Last Name. Migrated from [Schools.CA_Tech_Last_Name]. |
TechPhone | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(20) | Technical Phone Number. Migrated from [Schools.CA_Tech_Phone]. |
TranscriptStoreCodesOmit | 17.4.0 | Varchar2(500) | Comma-delimited list of store codes to exclude from the CA Transcript report. Migrated from [Schools.CA_StoreCodesIgnore]. |
UCDirectAuthenticationKey | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(15) | UC Direct Authentication Key. Migrated from [Schools.CA_UC_Direct_Auth_Key]. |