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School Setup


The following data elements are required for school setup.


  1. On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.

  2. Choose a school from the menu. The school Start Page appears.

  3. Click School. The School Setup page appears.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Edit Attendance Codes

Attendance Codes > Edit Attendance Code


Enter the Attendance Code


ES Audit Report

Presence Status


ES Audit Report

Code Categories

Select the categories associated with the attendance code


ES Audit Report

Define Attendance Code Categories

Attendance Code Entities > Edit Attendance Code Category


The following categories must be created:



[Code_Entity]CE_Entity = att_attcodeentity


ES Audit Report

Set Attendance Preferences

Preferences > Attendance Preferences


Attendance Recording Methods

Ensure 'Meeting' and/or 'Daily' method is selected.

[Prefs]Name  = att_recordmodemeet


ES Audit Report

Define Bell Schedules

Bell Schedules

Define the bell schedules to correlate periods with the times that the periods meet. Bell schedules are tied to attendance conversions and to calendar days to accommodate multiple bell schedules.

Attendance Conversion Method

Choose the attendance conversion from the pop-up menu.    You must first set up an attendance conversion to properly calculate attendance.


ES Audit Report

Bell Schedules > Edit Schedule > Edit Period

Each period will be assigned a day part of AM or PM.

Counts for ADA

Select if this item is to be included in attendance calculations. 


ES Audit Report

Set Up the School Calendar

Calendar Setup


Bell Schedule used for the day 


ES Audit Report

In Session

Determines if the day is instructional and the student attendance is looked at.


ES Audit Report

Define Years and Terms

Years & Terms > Edit School Year

Years & Terms > Term Setup > Edit Term

Name Of School Year

For record designated as year term.


ES Audit Report

First Day Of Term

For terms associated with classes.


ES Audit Report

Last Day Of Term

For terms associated with classes.


ES Audit Report

Add a Grade Level to a Section

Sections > select course > select section > Edit Section

Grade Level

Enter the grade level for this course section



BC TRAX Extract (CRS)

Define BC Information

State/Province – BC Information

Exclude From Reporting

Select if this section is not to be included in any provincial reports.



BC 1701 SLDC Extract, BC TRAX Extract, BC Class Size Extract

Education Assistant (EA) Support Indicator

Select if EA support is provided for this section.



BC Class Size Extract

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