S_BC_SGR_TRAX_X (ver 14.1.4)
This table is an extension of the StoredGrades table, which maintains student historical grades.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StoredGradesDCID | 14.1.4 | Number (10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table to the [StoredGrades] table. |
TRAX_Course_Type | 14.1.4 | Varchar2 (1) | Used to indicate if the course type is standard (blank), (C)hallenge for credit, or (E)quivalent. |
Course_GradeLevel | 14.6.0 | Varchar2 (10) | Used to indicate the grade level of the course for imported historic course grades where the course does not exist in PowerSchool. |
TRAXCourseNumber | 14.9.0 | Varchar2 (5) | Ministry course number or local course number that will be used on the TRAX extract for imported and manually entered stored grade records if no relationship exists to a course and section in PowerSchool. |
ExcludeFromTRAX | 14.9.0 | Varchar2 (1) | Indicates this mark/grade/StoredGrade record will be excluded from the TRAX extract if set to 1. This will exclude the course from the TRAX extract if this StoredGrade record is the only data present for the course. |
Provincial_Exam_Ind | 14.9.0 | Varchar2 (1) | Indicates the course this mark/grade/StoredGrade record is for is a provincially examinable course if set to 1. |