S_BC_SCH_Schools_X (ver 13.7.0)
This table is an extension of the Schools table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
SchoolsDCID | 13.7.0 | Number (10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Schools] table. |
ES_Audit_FQ_Hours | 13.7.0 | Number (11,0) | Minimum number of hours a student must be present during the school year to be considered Fully Qualified for funding. |
School_Type | 13.7.0 | Varchar2 (2) | Indicates the type of school. |
InterimGradeStoreCd | 14.9.0 | Varchar2 (30) | Comma separated list of store codes the school uses to store interim grades for student courses. Used by the TRAX report for pulling interim grades when selected at report run time to be included. |
FinalSchGradeStoreCd | 14.9.0 | Varchar2 (30) | Comma separated list of store codes the school uses to store school final grades for student courses. Used by the TRAX report for pulling final (school) grades for completed courses. |
FinalMinGradeStoreCd | 14.9.0 | Varchar2 (30) | Comma separated list of store codes the school uses to store Ministry final grades for student courses if the school stores the Ministry averaged grades after the provincial exam. Used by the TRAX report for pulling final (Ministry averaged) grades when selected at report run time to be included. |