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PSSR_State_StuNum_ImportLog (ver 14.9.0)

This table is a standalone table used to store the results of the BC PEN import process.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary key for the table.



Number (10,0)

The user ID from the Users table for the person running the import process.



Number (10,0)

The school ID from the import file for the school the student attends.

StudentNumber14.9.0Number (10,0)The local PowerSchool Student Number contained in the import file used to match to [Students]Student_Number.
LineNumber14.9.0Number (10,0)Contains the line (row) number from the original import file that this log entry is about.
ImportDate14.9.0TimestampThe date and time the data row was imported into PowerSchool.
ImportText14.9.0Varchar2 (2000)Displays the full row of data from the original import file for reference.
ErrorLog14.9.0Varchar2 (2000)Displays the reason the data could not be imported if the import failed for that row.
Status14.9.0Varchar2 (10)Success or Failure message showing the import status for this row of data from the import file.
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