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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

The minimum supported version on PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer is updated and can now be installed on PowerSchool SIS or later. For details refer to PowerSchool SIS – Supported PowerSchool Versions.


TRAX report - Ministry Updates 2023 - 2024

BC TRAX Extract: Version 2.5

BC TRAX Extract Report has been updated for Ministry Updates 2023 - 2024 as follows:

  1. Student Selection Criteria have been modified to select students based on the latest ministry specification.

  2. A new report parameter Report Terminations Status has been added to the report parameter page and the STUD_STATUS field has been enhanced to consider the new parameter. You can run the report only after January 01 of the current year and this flag must be enabled to report Terminations.

  3. The E_EXAM_FLAG logic is enhanced to send space if the exam flag is not selected.

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