S_AZ_SEC_X (ver 14.3.0)
This is an extension of the Sections table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
SectionsDCID | 14.3.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary Key. |
CCLCProgramCourse | 18.6.0 | Number(1,0) | 21st CCLC Program Course. This indicates that the section is used in reporting CCLC Program Attendance records. |
ConcurEnroll | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the section is a college course attended by students prior to high school graduation for which they are not receiving high school credit. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_ConcurEnroll]. |
CourseDuration | 14.3.0 | Number(11,0) | The total number of minutes of instructional time for the course. |
CourseID | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | State course code override. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_CourseID]. |
CourseLevel | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(10) | An indication of the level of rigor in a course. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_CourseLevel]. |
CourseName | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(100) | State course name override. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_CourseName]. |
CTECert | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the course is part of a career or technical education program leading to a specific technical certification. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_CTECert]. |
DualCredit | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if students enrolled in the course are concurrently enrolled in a post-secondary institution and receiving credit at both levels. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_DualCredit]. |
EOC_AssessmentCodeType | 16.7.1 | Varchar2(5) | End of course Assessment code. |
ExcludeSTC | 15.8.0 | Number(11,0) | Checkmark to exclude From AZ Student-Teacher-Course Connection Reports. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_ExcludeSTC]. |
HighGrade | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(2) | Highest grade level of students either enrolled in the course or for which the course is targeted. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_HighGrade]. |
Homeroom | 18.1.0 | Number(1,0) | Student homeroom, set in section level for Student Attendance Details report. |
InstSet | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(10) | The instructional setting for the course. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_InstSet]. |
JTED_Indicator | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | This indicates the section is a JTED Section Led by a CTE Instructor. Migrated from [Sections.JTED_Indicator]. |
JTED_Section_Rank | 15.8.0 ..... | Number(11,0) | Used to rank JTED sections in relation to each other. If there is a conflict, a student's highest-ranked (lowest number) section will be reported to JTED. Migrated from [Sections.JTED_Section_Rank]. |
LowGrade | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(2) | Lowest grade level of students either enrolled in the course or for which the course is targeted. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_LowGrade]. |
MinutesPerWeek | | Number(11,0) | The total number of minutes per week for a section. |
Notes | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(300) | Any clarifying information for this course section. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_Notes]. |
Provider | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(75) | If the course is being provided by an external organization, e.g. a distance education or virtual course, the name of that providing organization. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_Provider]. |
ProviderT1FirstName | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(50) | The teacher's first name. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_ProviderT1FirstName]. |
ProviderT1LastName | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(50) | The teacher's last name. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_ProviderT1LastName]. |
ProviderT1Role | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | The teacher's role. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_ProviderT1Role]. |
ProviderT2FirstName | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(50) | The teacher's first name. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_ProviderT2FirstName]. |
ProviderT2LastName | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(50) | The teacher's last name. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_ProviderT2LastName]. |
ProviderT2Role | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | The teacher's role. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_ProviderT2Role]. |
RemoteEntityID | | Varchar2(10) | Remote School's Entity Id. |
ReqGrad | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | This indicates that the course is one of the required courses a student must take to meet graduation requirements. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_ReqGrad]. |
SequenceOfCourse | 17.4.0 | Number(11,0) | The sequence of the course. Populate if the section or course is the 2nd+ part of a sequence of parts for a course. |
StandardID | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(20) | Populated if using Standards instead of Traditional grades for the course. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_StandardID]. |
STC_CourseEndDate | 15.8.0 | Date | Override field for the course end date. If populated, this date is used instead of the term end date in STC reporting. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_STC_CourseEndDate]. |
STC_CourseStartDate | 15.8.0 | Date | Override field for the course start date. If populated, this date is used instead of the term start date in STC reporting. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_STC_CourseStartDate]. |
STC_TeacherIntExt | 15.8.0 | Number(11,0) | Indicates to report both External Provider information as well as Internal Teacher information in STC reports. Migrated from [Sections.AZ_STC_TeacherIntExt]. |
CREDIT_HOURS | | NUMBER(25,10) | The total number of available credits for section |