State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-272455 | 2021-22 NCEA Student Detail and Faculty Detail Validation Report Updates | NCEA Student Detail Validation Report: Version 21.9.1 NCEA Faculty Detail Validation Report: Version 21.9.1 Updates to the NCEA Student Detail and Faculty Detail Validation Reports are now available on the NCEA Reports tab. - Student Detail
- Obsolete Elements Removed
- Federal Nutrition
- Transportation
- Header Labels Updated
- Label change for "Student ID" to "Student #"
- Label change for "Title I" to "Receives Title I"
- New Elements Added
- Ungraded Student
- Receives Title I
- Elig Title I
- Receives Free/Rdc Lunch
- Elig Free/Rdc Lunch
- Parental Choice
- Intl Visa
- The "Exclude from NCEA" element now appears in the last column.
- Sort Order Updated
- Single school: sort by Student Last Name, First Name, MI
- Multiple schools: sort by School Category (Combined, Elementary/Middle then Secondary); then by School Name, then by Student Last Name, First Name, MI
- Faculty Detail
- Label change for "Teacher ID" to "Teacher #"
- The "Exclude from NCEA" element now appears in the last column.
- Sort Order Updated
- Single school: sort by Staff Last Name, First Name, MI
- Multiple schools: sort by School Category (Combined, Elementary/Middle then Secondary); then by School Name, then by Student Last Name, First Name, MI
- On-line Help: Refer to the NCEA Student Detail Validation Report Guide and the NCEA Faculty Detail Validation Report Guide for details on each element along with the PowerSchool source tables and fields.
PSSR-272223 | NCEA School Summary Report Updates | NCEA School Summary: Version 21.9.1 Updates to the NCEA School Summary are now available on the NCEA Reports tab. This report produces a zip file containing the .csv and .pdf versions of the report. The School Summary can be run from a school login for a single school or from a district login for multiple schools. - Prerequisites: In order to complete data entry for the NCEA School Summary and access the NCEA reports, customizations must be enabled in System > System Settings and the NCEA Plugin must be installed and enabled on the Plugin Management Configuration page.
- Report Updates
- The Staff selection criteria is updated to ensure that staff marked as Exclude from NCEA Reporting are excluded from the output.
- A.1a Location: Added new category of “Virtual”
- B2. Enrollment by Grade Level: PK students in grade level -1 or below are now reported in three categories by age as of September 1 of the current school year.
- EL-PK2: Number of students who are < 3 years old
- EL-PK3: Number of students who are < 4 years old
- EL-PK4: Number of students who are < 5 years old; also includes students who are older than 5 but who remain enrolled in grade level -1 or below
- C.3 Staff by Type: New elements as entered on the NCEA School page
- President/Head of School
- Principal
- Assistant Principals
- Guidance Counselors
- Teachers
- Teacher Assistant/Instructional Aide
- Other Staff
- C.4 Teacher Retention: New elements as entered on the NCEA School page
- Retained: Number of teachers who taught at the school both last year and this year
- Total: Number of teachers who did not return in the Fall for reasons other than retirement
- D. Government Funded Programs: New elements as entered on the NCEA School and Student pages
- Title II services
- Title III services
- Title IV services
- Number of students eligible for Title I services
- Number of students who receive Free/Reduced Lunch
- Number of students eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch
- Number of students with funding from parental choice program
- E. Additional Information: New elements as entered on the NCEA School and Student pages
- Dual-language immersion program
- International Baccalaureate program
- Count of students with international visas
- CSV Report Only
- Schools with new combinations of Virtual Location and Sponsorship as entered on the NCEA School page
- V-SP: Virtual School/Single Parish
- V-IP: Virtual School/Interparish
- V-D: Virtual School/Diocese
- V-P: Virtual School/ Religious Congregation/Private
- PC-Schools: School with parental choice funding as entered on the NCEA Students page
- On-line Help: refer to the NCEA School Summary Report Guide for details on each element along with the PowerSchool source tables and fields.