This table is a standalone table and stores a backup of any orphan records removed by the UI during pre-migration validation. Data is invalid once the migration is completed, but until that point this table can be used to restore those orphan records if needed.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 17.11.0 | Number(11,0) | Primary Key |
ActualDataTable_Ref | 17.11.0 | Number(11,0) | Points to the original virtualtableslegacydata table (123, 125, or 129 for virtualtableslegacydata1, virtualtableslegacydata2, or virtualtableslegacydata3 respectively). |
VT_Dcid | 17.11.0 | Number(11,0) | The DCID of the virtual table record. |
Unique_Id | 17.11.0 | Number(11,0) | The UNIQUE_ID from the virtual table record. |
LinkTo_Def_Id | 17.11.0 | Number(11,0) | The LINKTO_DEF_ID from the virtual table record. |
Created_On | 17.11.0 | Date | The CREATED_ON from the virtual table record. |
Created_By | 17.11.0 | Varchar2(31) | The CREATED_BY from the virtual table record. |
Last_Modified | 17.11.0 | Date | The LAST_MODIFIED from the virtual table record. |
Modified_By | 17.11.0 | Varchar2(31) | The MODIFIED_BY from the virtual table record. |
Related_to_Table | 17.11.0 | Varchar2(31) | The RELATED_TO_TABLE from the virtual table record. |
ForeignKey | 17.11.0 | Number(11,0) | The FOREIGNKEY from the virtual table record. |
SchoolId | 17.11.0 | Number(11,0) | The SCHOOLID from the virtual table record. |
Custom | 17.11.0 | CLOB | The CUSTOM from the virtual table record. |
ForeignKey_Alpha | 17.11.0 | Varchar2(31) | The FOREIGNKEY_ALPHA from the virtual table record. |
User_Defined_Date | 17.11.0 | Date | The USER_DEFINED_DATE from the virtual table record. |
User_Defined_Date2 | 17.11.0 | Date | The USER_DEFINED_DATE2 from the virtual table record. |
User_Defined_Integer | 17.11.0 | Number(11,0) | The USER_DEFINED_INTEGER from the virtual table record. |
User_Defined_Numeric | 17.11.0 | Number(25,10) | The USER_DEFINED_NUMERIC from the virtual table record. |
User_Defined_Text | 17.11.0 | Varchar2(79) | The USER_DEFINED_TEXT from the virtual table record. |
User_Defined_Text2 | 17.11.0 | Varchar2(79) | The USER_DEFINED_TEXT2 from the virtual table record. |