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This table is a standalone table and stores a backup of any orphan records removed by the UI during pre-migration validation. Data is invalid once the migration is completed, but until that point this table can be used to restore those orphan records if needed.

 Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
ID17.11.0Number(11,0)Primary Key
ActualDataTable_Ref17.11.0Number(11,0)Points to the original virtualtableslegacydata table (123, 125, or 129 for virtualtableslegacydata1, virtualtableslegacydata2, or virtualtableslegacydata3 respectively).
VT_Dcid17.11.0Number(11,0)The DCID of the virtual table record.
Unique_Id17.11.0Number(11,0)The UNIQUE_ID from the virtual table record.
LinkTo_Def_Id17.11.0Number(11,0)The LINKTO_DEF_ID from the virtual table record.
Created_On17.11.0DateThe CREATED_ON from the virtual table record.
Created_By17.11.0Varchar2(31)The CREATED_BY from the virtual table record.
Last_Modified17.11.0DateThe LAST_MODIFIED from the virtual table record.
Modified_By17.11.0Varchar2(31)The MODIFIED_BY from the virtual table record.
Related_to_Table17.11.0Varchar2(31)The RELATED_TO_TABLE from the virtual table record.
ForeignKey17.11.0Number(11,0)The FOREIGNKEY from the virtual table record.
SchoolId17.11.0Number(11,0)The SCHOOLID from the virtual table record.
Custom17.11.0CLOBThe CUSTOM from the virtual table record.
ForeignKey_Alpha17.11.0Varchar2(31)The FOREIGNKEY_ALPHA from the virtual table record.
User_Defined_Date17.11.0DateThe USER_DEFINED_DATE from the virtual table record.
User_Defined_Date217.11.0DateThe USER_DEFINED_DATE2 from the virtual table record.
User_Defined_Integer17.11.0Number(11,0)The USER_DEFINED_INTEGER from the virtual table record.
User_Defined_Numeric17.11.0Number(25,10)The USER_DEFINED_NUMERIC from the virtual table record.
User_Defined_Text17.11.0Varchar2(79)The USER_DEFINED_TEXT from the virtual table record.
User_Defined_Text217.11.0Varchar2(79)The USER_DEFINED_TEXT2 from the virtual table record.
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