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S_USR_EDFI_X (ver 17.4.0)

This table extends the Users table to support additional columns used in conjunction with Ed-Fi related functionality. This table is available for all states and provinces and might or might not be utilized for your state or province.

 Column NameVersionData TypeDescription


17.4.0Number(10,0)Primary Key


17.4.0Varchar2(10)Denotes an individual's generation in their family, e.g. Jr., Sr., III.


17.4.0Number(1,0)Indication of whether a teacher is classified as highly qualified for his/her assignment.


17.4.0Varchar2(50)The highest grade in school completed or its equivalent or the highest degree received.
ExcludeFromEdFi19.4.1.0Number(1,0)Indication of whether a user is excluded from EdFi Publishing.
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