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S_STU_X (ver 18.8.0)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table. This table is available for all states/provinces and may or may not be utilized for your state/province.

Column Name


Data Type


StudentsDCID18.8.0Number(10,0)Primary Key
ActiveDutyParent19.1.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student has a parent on active duty in the U.S. military (excluding the National Guard) in the past year. 
BirthCity19.11.1.0Varchar2(30)City or town where the student was born.
BirthCountry19.11.1.0Varchar2(30)Code for the country in which the student was born. This is an Ed-Fi descriptor.
BirthCounty19.11.1.0Varchar2(50)County where the student was born.
BirthState19.11.1.0Varchar2(50)The abbreviation for the state/province where the student was born. This is an Ed-Fi descriptor.
EconomicDisadvantage20.7.2.0Varchar2(3)Indicates if a student is Economically Disadvantaged. The values for the ReportedValue field are seeded for each state or province.
EntryDateIntoUSSchool19.3.0DateThe date the student first enrolled in a US school.
ExcludeFromEdFi19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether to exclude the student from Ed-Fi publishing.
ExitCode_Set_Date21.4.2.0DateThe field value is set with the snapshot date used when the Student Exit Code Mass Population report was run.
Home_Language20.4.4.0Number(11)The code for the student's home language.
Immigrant19.1.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student is an immigrant.
JobCorps19.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student is participating in Job Corps.
LunchEligibility20.7.2.0Varchar2(2)Indicates the criteria used for determining the student's lunch eligibility. The values for this field are seeded by the state/province.
MaritalStatus20.5.2Varchar2(2)Indicates the student's Marital Status.
Native_Language20.4.1.0Number(11)Indicates the student's native language.
PriorityForService18.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student meets Priority for Service criteria.
RepeatGradeIndicator19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates the student repeated the grade from the previous year.
ReportedValue20.7.2.0Varchar2(40)The reported value. The values for this field are seeded by the state/province.
ResidencyStatus19.11.1.0Varchar2(50)Indicates the location of legal residence relative to the school attended and its administrative unit. This is an Ed-Fi descriptor.
SchoolChoiceTransfer19.11.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates the student was transferred to this school as allowed by a School Choice initiative.
SealOfBiliteracy18.8.3Varchar2(20)Indicates whether the student has earned a Seal of Biliteracy.
SingleParent19.7.1.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student is a single parent.
SteamStemParticipant19.8.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student participates in a STEAM/STEM program.
Suffix20.2.2.0Varchar2(3)The student's name suffix.
TwentyFirstCenturyServed18.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student is enrolled in the 21st Century after-school program.
VirtualStudent19.7.1.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student is a Virtual Student.
YouthChallenge19.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the student is participating in Youth ChalleNGe.
DeviceType21.8.2.0Varchar2(10)This is a part of Student Digital Resource data. The values can be seeded for each state/province. For example, Desktop Computer, Laptop Computer, etc.

This is a part of Student Digital Resource data. The values can be seeded for each state/province. For example,

  • Personal Dedicated - The device is personal and not shared
  • Personal Shared - The device is personal but shared
InternetInResidence21.8.2.0Varchar2(5)This is a part of Student Digital Resource data. The values can be seeded for each state/province. The valid values are Yes or No.
InternetAccess21.8.2.0Varchar2(5)This is a part of Student Digital Resource data. The values can be seeded for each state/province. For example, Fiber, Cable DSL, etc.

This is a part of Student Digital Resource data. The values can be seeded for each state/province. For example,

  • Yes, reliable with no issue
  • Yes, but not consistent
Pref_First21.9.2.0Varchar2(150)Preferred Student First Name
Pref_Middle21.9.2.0Varchar2(150)Preferred Student MiddleName
Pref_Last21.9.2.0Varchar2(150)Preferred Student Last Name
Tribal_Affiliation_121.9.2.0Varchar2(5)Student Tribal Affiliation for CTE code 1
Tribal_Affiliation_221.9.2.0Varchar2(5)Student Tribal Affiliation for CTE code 2
Tribal_Affiliation_321.9.2.0Varchar2(5)Student Tribal Affiliation for CTE code 3
Tribal_Affiliation_SIF_121.9.2.3Varchar2(5)Student Tribal Affiliation for SIF code 1
Tribal_Affiliation_SIF_121.9.2.3Varchar2(5)Student Tribal Affiliation for SIF code 2
Tribal_Affiliation_SIF_121.9.2.3Varchar2(5)Student Tribal Affiliation for SIF code 3
County22.2.2.0Varchar2(3)Indicates the student's county.
Maiden_Name22.2.2.0Varchar2(30)Indicates the student's maiden name.
Foster_Care22.5.3.0BooleanIndicates if student belongs to Foster Care System
OnTrackToGraduate22.9.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether student is On Track to Graduate 
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