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This table is a child table of Students and is used to store Seal of Biliteracy information. This table is available for all states and provinces and might or might not be utilized for your state or province.

Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
ID19.10.1.0Number(10,0)Primary Key

StudentsDCID,0)The unique DCID in the Students table.
LanguageOfAward19.10.1.0Varchar2(3)The language for which the award was granted.
MethodDemoEngProf19.10.1.0Varchar2(2)The method of demonstrating proficiency in English.
MethodDemoProfLangOtherEng19.10.1.0Varchar2(2)The method of demonstrating proficiency in languages other than English.
Seal19.10.1.0Varchar2(2)An indicator of whether the award the student earned is a Seal of Biliteracy or a Commendation of Biliteracy.
Status19.10.1.0Varchar2(20)The status of the award.
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