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A child table of Students that stores spans of time that a student was present on a given day. The table is only used if the Attendance Meeting Time feature and Attendance Clock In / Clock Out interface is enabled.

 Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
ID17.7.0Number(10,0)Primary Key


17.7.0Number(10,0)The unique DCID in the Students table.


17.7.0DateThe date of the time span.


17.7.0Number(11,0)The number of seconds after midnight indicating the start of the time span.


17.7.0Number(11,0)The number of seconds after midnight indicating the end of the time span.
ClockInComment17.9.0Varchar2(500)Comment indicating reason for start of time span.
ClockOutComment17.9.0Varchar2(500)Comment indicating reason for end of time span.
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