S_SCH_CRDC_X (ver 14.8.0)
This table is an extension of the [Schools] table. This CRDC table is available for all states and may or may not be utilized for your state.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
SchoolsDCID | 14.8.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary Key |
CorpPunishment_YN | 14.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether the school uses corporal punishment to discipline students. |
CreditRecovery_YN | 14.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether the school has any students who participate in at least one credit recovery program that allows them to earn missed credit in order to graduate from high school. |
DualEnrollment_YN | 14.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether the school has any students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program. |
FTESecurity_YN | 14.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether the school has any sworn law enforcement officers. |
JusticeFacilityDays | 14.8.0 | Number(11,0) | If the school is a justice facility, indicates the number of days that make up the regular school year. |
JusticeFacilityHours | 14.8.0 | Number(11,0) | If the school is a justice facility, indicates the hours per week that the educational program is offered during the regular school year. |
JusticeFacilityType | 14.8.0 | Varchar2(16) | If the school is a justice facility, indicates the type that best describes the facility. |
PreKGAgeNonIDEA3_YN | 14.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether the school provides preschool to non-IDEA students age 3. |
PreKGAgeNonIDEA4_YN | 14.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether the school provides preschool to non-IDEA students age 4. |
PreKGAgeNonIDEA5_YN | 14.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether the school provides preschool to non-IDEA students age 5. |
UngradedDetail | 14.8.0 | Varchar2(1) | If the school is ungraded, indicates whether the school has mainly elementary, middle, and/or high school students. |
SCH_ID | 14.9.3 | Varchar2(15) | CRDC School ID assigned to the school. In most cases, it is the last 5-digits of the unique identification number assigned to each school by ED’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). |
PrimarySchoolRecord_TF | 14.9.3 | Number(1,0) | If multiple schools in PowerSchool are reported under the same CRDC SCH ID, indicates one school as the primary. |
NonLEAFacility_YN | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether the school is a non-LEA facility. |
FirearmUse_YN | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if there has been at least one incident at the school that involved a shooting, regardless of whether anyone was hurt. |
Homicide_YN | 15.11.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if any of the school's students, faculty, or staff died as a result of a homicide committed at the school. |
SchInternetFiber_YN | 18.7.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether school is connected to the Internet through fiber-optic connection. |
SchInternetWiFi_YN | 18.7.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether school has WiFi in every classroom. |
SchInternetSchDev_YN | 18.7.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether school allows students to take home school-issued devices that can be used to access the Internet for student learning. |
SchInternetStuDev_YN | 18.7.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates whether school allows students to bring to school student-owned devices that can be used to access the Internet for student learning. |
WiFiEnabledDevices | 18.7.0 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates the number of WiFi enabled devices provided by the school to students for student learning use. |
NoOfFTETeachers | | Number(25,10) | Indicates the total number of FTE teachers. |
NoOfFTETeachersCert | | Number(25,10) | Indicates the total number of FTE teachers who are certified. |
NoOfFTETeachersNotCert | | Number(25,10) | Indicates the total number of FTE teachers who are not certified. |
NoOfFTECounselors | | Number(25,10) | Indicates the total number of FTE School Counselors. |
NoOfFTENurses | | Number(25,10) | Indicates the total number of FTE Nurses. |
NoOfFTEPsychologists | | Number(25,10) | Indicates the total number of FTE Psychologists. |
NoOfFTESocWorkers | | Number(25,10) | Indicates the total number of FTE Social Workers. |
NoOfFTELawEnforcement | | Number(25,10) | Indicates the total number of FTE sworn law enforcement officers. |
NoOfFTESecGuards | | Number(25,10) | Indicates the total number of FTE security guards. |
IncStaffRape | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of documented incidents of rape or attempted rape committed by school staff. |
IncStaffSexAsslt | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of documented incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) committed by school staff. |
IncStaffResignOrRetdRape | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of documented incidents of rape or attempted rape committed by school staff, which were followed by resignation or retirement. |
IncStaffResgnOrRetdSexAsslt | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of documented incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) committed by school staff, which were followed by resignation or retirement. |
IncStaffDetdRespRape | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of documented incidents of rape or attempted rape committed by school staff, which were followed by a determination that the school staff member was responsible for the offense. |
IncStaffDetdRespSexAsslt | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of documented incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) committed by school staff, which were followed by a determination that the school staff member was responsible for the offense. |
IncStaffDetdNotRespRape | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of documented incidents of rape or attempted rape committed by school staff, which were followed by a determination that the school staff member was not responsible for the offense. |
IncStaffDetdNotRespSexAsslt | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of documented incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) committed by school staff, which were followed by a determination that the school staff member was not responsible for the offense. |
IncStaffDetdPendRape | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of documented incidents of rape or attempted rape committed by school staff, which had a determination that remained pending. |
IncStaffDetdPendSexAsslt | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of documented incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) committed by school staff, which had a determination that remained pending. |
IncStaffDutyReasgmntRape | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of allegations against a school staff member, which had a duty reassignment. |
IncStaffDutyReasgmntSexAslt | | Number(11,0) | Indicates the number of allegations against a school staff member sexual assault (other than rape), which had a duty reassignment. |
InstructionType | | Varchar2(1) | COVID-related Directional Indicators, Instruction Type. |
VirtualInstructionType | | Varchar2(1) | COVID-related Directional Indicators, Virtual Instruction Type. |