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S_SCH_CRDC_X (ver 14.8.0)

This table is an extension of the [Schools] table. This CRDC table is available for all states and may or may not be utilized for your state.

Column Name


Data Type


SchoolsDCID14.8.0Number(10,0)Primary Key
CorpPunishment_YN14.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the school uses corporal punishment to discipline students.




Indicates whether the school has any students who participate in at least one credit recovery program that allows them to earn missed credit in order to graduate from high school.




Indicates whether the school has any students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program.




Indicates whether the school has any sworn law enforcement officers.

JusticeFacilityDays14.8.0Number(11,0)If the school is a justice facility, indicates the number of days that make up the regular school year.
JusticeFacilityHours14.8.0Number(11,0)If the school is a justice facility, indicates the hours per week that the educational program is offered during the regular school year.
JusticeFacilityType14.8.0Varchar2(16)If the school is a justice facility, indicates the type that best describes the facility.




Indicates whether the school provides preschool to non-IDEA students age 3.




Indicates whether the school provides preschool to non-IDEA students age 4.




Indicates whether the school provides preschool to non-IDEA students age 5.




If the school is ungraded, indicates whether the school has mainly elementary, middle, and/or high school students.

SCH_ID14.9.3Varchar2(15)CRDC School ID assigned to the school. In most cases, it is the last 5-digits of the unique identification number assigned to each school by ED’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
PrimarySchoolRecord_TF14.9.3Number(1,0) If multiple schools in PowerSchool are reported under the same CRDC SCH ID, indicates one school as the primary.
NonLEAFacility_YN15.11.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether the school is a non-LEA facility.
FirearmUse_YN15.11.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if there has been at least one incident at the school that involved a shooting, regardless of whether anyone was hurt.
Homicide_YN15.11.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if any of the school's students, faculty, or staff died as a result of a homicide committed at the school.
SchInternetFiber_YN18.7.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether school is connected to the Internet through fiber-optic connection.
SchInternetWiFi_YN18.7.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether school has WiFi in every classroom.
SchInternetSchDev_YN18.7.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether school allows students to take home school-issued devices that can be used to access the Internet for student learning.
SchInternetStuDev_YN18.7.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether school allows students to bring to school student-owned devices that can be used to access the Internet for student learning.
WiFiEnabledDevices18.7.0Varchar2(1)Indicates the number of WiFi enabled devices provided by the school to students for student learning use.
NoOfFTETeachers21.4.2.0Number(25,10)Indicates the total number of FTE teachers.
NoOfFTETeachersCert21.4.2.0Number(25,10)Indicates the total number of FTE teachers who are certified.
NoOfFTETeachersNotCert21.4.2.0Number(25,10)Indicates the total number of FTE teachers who are not certified.
NoOfFTECounselors21.4.2.0Number(25,10)Indicates the total number of FTE School Counselors.
NoOfFTENurses21.4.2.0Number(25,10)Indicates the total number of FTE Nurses.
NoOfFTEPsychologists21.4.2.0Number(25,10)Indicates the total number of FTE Psychologists.
NoOfFTESocWorkers21.4.2.0Number(25,10)Indicates the total number of FTE Social Workers.
NoOfFTELawEnforcement21.4.2.0Number(25,10)Indicates the total number of FTE sworn law enforcement officers.
NoOfFTESecGuards21.4.2.0Number(25,10)Indicates the total number of FTE security guards.
IncStaffRape21.4.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of documented incidents of rape or attempted rape committed by school staff.
IncStaffSexAsslt21.4.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of documented incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) committed by school staff.
IncStaffResignOrRetdRape21.4.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of documented incidents of rape or attempted rape committed by school staff, which were followed by resignation or retirement.
IncStaffResgnOrRetdSexAsslt21.4.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of documented incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) committed by school staff, which were followed by resignation or retirement.
IncStaffDetdRespRape21.4.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of documented incidents of rape or attempted rape committed by school staff, which were followed by a determination that the school staff member was responsible for the offense.
IncStaffDetdRespSexAsslt21.4.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of documented incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) committed by school staff, which were followed by a determination that the school staff member was responsible for the offense.
IncStaffDetdNotRespRape21.4.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of documented incidents of rape or attempted rape committed by school staff, which were followed by a determination that the school staff member was not responsible for the offense.
IncStaffDetdNotRespSexAsslt21.4.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of documented incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) committed by school staff, which were followed by a determination that the school staff member was not responsible for the offense.
IncStaffDetdPendRape21.4.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of documented incidents of rape or attempted rape committed by school staff, which had a determination that remained pending.
IncStaffDetdPendSexAsslt21.4.2.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of documented incidents of sexual assault (other than rape) committed by school staff, which had a determination that remained pending.
IncStaffDutyReasgmntRape21.5.3.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of allegations against a school staff member, which had a duty reassignment.
IncStaffDutyReasgmntSexAslt21.5.3.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of allegations against a school staff member sexual assault (other than rape), which had a duty reassignment.
InstructionType21.5.3.0Varchar2(1)COVID-related Directional Indicators, Instruction Type.
VirtualInstructionType21.5.3.0Varchar2(1)COVID-related Directional Indicators, Virtual Instruction Type.
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